This collection includes theses and dissertations from the University of Louisville. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 1947
The development of an ethocel automobile touch-up lacquer and a suitable sanding surfacer : II. a study of the physiological effect of color using the Munsell Color Notation., Thaddeus Andrew Peake 1919-1999
Tragic implications of man's frustration by society in three of Dreiser's novels., Susan Mae Robinson
Froth flotation of phosphate rock., David L. Spitzer 1923-2012
Present day elementary school practices in reporting pupil progress to parents., Dorothy Sternberg
A correlation of plate efficiencies in fractionating columns., Earl K. Stigger 1920-2007
Solvent extraction of fish oil., Alan T. Thomas 1921-2001
A study of forty-four syphilitic patients under treatment at the Louisville Rapid Treatment Center from March 1, 1947 to April 15, 1947., Judith Torregrosa
Studies on synthesis by enzymatic catalysis., Charles Henry Wabnitz 1916-2004
The destearination of Menhaden fish oil by use of a votator and an auxiliary plate and frame filter press., Douglass White 1920-2013
Theses/Dissertations from 1946
The characteristics of Fiberglas as column packing : I. design of column : II. mass-velocity characteristics., Robert B. Akell 1921-
The surface impregnation of wood : II. use characteristics of impregnated wood : III. investigations of resin adhesives., John V. Birkel
A graphical solution for batch steam distillation of a binary mixture., Howard D. Carlson 1921-
The problem of the chronically ill in Louisville, Kentucky, 1946., Dinard S. Carr
Case studies of normal sixth grade pupils., Genevieve M. Cowan
Thermochemical studies of special propellants., Frederick C. Damm
A textbook in vocational guidance for senior high school., Ervin Winfred Detjen 1906-
A textbook in educational guidance for senior high school., Mary Ford Detjen 1904-
The relationship of seventeenth century and twentieth century metaphysical poetry., Joseph E. Duncan 1921-1991
Improved techniques for washing iron blue suspensions : II. the preparation of o, o'-dichlorobenzidine from o-chloronitrobenzene., Marvin L. Gernert
Ethylcellulose lacquer coatings for polystyrene plastics., Stuart V. Heil
A proposed course of study in general science for ninth grade in Louisville schools., Claude Harold Hughes
Henry Watterson and the tariff, 1876-1897., Harold Arthur Seekamp
Raid to the north., William Woodrow Slider
A study of the trends and issues in the administration of mentally-retarded children in the elementary schools in a series of cities., Elizabeth Veronica Sullivan
The characteristics of Fiberglas as a column packing : III. mass transfer coefficients., Charles P. Talbott 1923-2000
A survey of the Rhopalocera of Jefferson County, Kentucky., Delbert Kenneth Weniger
A plastic protective film coating for metals., Arthur S. Widzer 1914-2002
Origins of secondary education with special reference to Fort Wayne, Indiana., William Arnold Willer
The opportunity class of the Mary D. Hill School., Gladys E. Wyatt
Theses/Dissertations from 1945
Heat transfer to fuel oil in viscous flow-characteristics of a fin-type heat exchanger., Boyd R. Abbott Jr.
The absorption of carbon dioxide with a semi-plant scale packed tower., Lewis P. Aker 1902-1981
A study of factors influencing the hydrolysis of corn amylopectin by barley malt enzymes., Thelma Munsey Back 1918-2006
An investigation of distillery losses., Efream I. Brensilber 1917-1990
Guidance through the curriculum in the elementary school., Jewell Marie Brown
A descriptive study of the guidance services in operation at two secondary schools of Louisville, Kentucky., Mary Edna Brown
Screening characteristics of stillage., Samuel Drevitch 1919-2014
Abstracts of source materials on the conservation of our natural resources., Eunice Wheeler Duncan
A study of the academic success of Group Three in Halleck Hall Junior High School., Irene T. Hughes
The reaction of ethylcellulose with fatty acid and its application to the varnish industry : II. ethylcellulose in pencil lacquers., Albert L. Kimmel
Cassius M. Clay's True American., Albert D. Kirwan
Occupational chemical hazards in industries of Louisville and Jefferson County., Morgan Brown Lewman
Studies on spinal anesthesia., Frederic E. Shaffer
Silicious exposures in the refractory brick industry., William W. Stalker
A study of German-Austrian refugees in Louisville, Kentucky., Lina K. Wolff
Theses/Dissertations from 1944
The history of Presbyterian ministerial training in the state of Kentucky., Ruth P. Anderson
A study of the academic success of elementary pupils during their first year in Highland Junior High School., Esther Barth
A study of forty-three patients who left Waverly Hills Sanatorium against the doctor's advice during the period September 1 through December 31, 1942., Frances Fanelli
Under the blazing sun : a unit of work in social studies for the fourth grade., Virginia H. Franklyn
Home instruction for physically handicapped white children in Louisville, Kentucky 1939-1940 to 1943-1944, inclusive., Caroline Finzer Gray
The history of the National Youth Administration in Kentucky., Margaret Ruth Hopper
The development of ethyl cellulose lacquers for automotive use : an ethyl cellulose lacquer for coating plastics., Robert Carlton Krueger
Antiochus Epiphanes., Brougher Petty Maddox
A follow-up study of thirty eight single unmarried mothers., Rose Migdal
A study of the history of adult elementary and secondary education and possibilities for future service in Louisville, Kentucky., Flora L. Morris
History and development of the Mental Hygiene Clinic of Louisville, Kentucky., Mary-Elizabeth O'Brien
Horse racing in central Kentucky and Jefferson County (with special reference to Churchill Downs)., Marjorie Rieser
Mutations of the Gothic romance., Sarah Virginia Rose
The system benzene-methyl alcohol : Part II. specific heats and liquid enthalpies., Harvey A. Rothenberg 1918-1980
Impregnation and wood plastics : II. investigations in marine glueing., Charles F. Sacra 1921-1985
Humidity measurements in presence of water-soluble salts., Robert O. Schmitt 1910-1996
Changing philosophy of child care in the Louisville and Jefferson County Children's Home, 1854-1943., Helen Hardwicke Sherrill
An improved method for the determination of vitamin B₁ and vitamin B₂ by spectrophotometric means., Kenneth W. Smith
A study of the failures in the 6A grades of Louisville, Kentucky, for the year 1941-1942., Lena Ruth Towles 1905-1966
The study of the drying of Buna S., George W. Williams and Richard L. Harvin
A history of the financing of the Private Family Agency, Louisville, Kentucky., Verna Schwab Will
A comparative study of a group of institutional and private home children in a public school., Mary Virginia Witt
Yeast from citrus waste syrup for stock feed : ǂb ethyl cellulose lacquers for plastic coating and ethyl cellulose automotive lacquers., Walter Zabban 1922-1999
Theses/Dissertations from 1943
An investigation into the need and the use of patriotic holiday reading material in the primary grades., Mary Walker Barnard 1906-1996
The development of the megagametophyte of Ailanthus altissima., Esther L. Bossung 1912-1994
Convalescent care in Louisville, Kentucky., Grace B. Caswell
A study of sex differentiation in Lebistes reticulatus as affected by estradiol stilbestrol and pregneninolon., Esther Coogle
Adoption procedures and practices in Jefferson County, Kentucky, 1941., Ruby Arnold Dennis
The policies of Presidents Buchanan and Lincoln in the Fort Sumter crisis., W. L. Dennis
The relation of moisture content to the maximum extraction of oil from soybean flakes., Evan Edwards
The potentiometric determination of zinc in Dowmetal alloys., James S. Goodman
Present practices in testing deaf children., Mary Dillon Guilmartin 1893-1971
A study of day care particularly in reference to Louisville, Kentucky., Nancy Lee Johnson
History of public secondary education in Louisville., Harold S. Keeling
The incidence of human infestation with Trichinella spiralis as revealed by the examination of 570 diaphragms at the Louisville General Hospital, Louisville, Kentucky., Letitia S. Kimsey
A study of twenty-eight working mothers and their problems., Marianna E. Lawson
Some phases of pioneer education on the Kentucky frontier with emphasis on Nelson County, 1785-1860., Wenonah Maraman
Home backgrounds of pupils in X school., Sophie Meyers
A group guidance course for grades 7B, 8A, 9B, and 9A in the Highland Junior High School in Louisville, Kentucky., Marguerite Reasor
Martha Finley's fiction for girls., Virginia Haggard Rost
The Christmas story in American literature., Katharine Allyn See
Effect of infrared radiation upon an oleoresinous enamel : compregnation of wood testing of dimethylolurea plastic, James I. Stevens 1920-2010
Art in dress : a unit of work., Berta Warner
A history of the Council of Social Agencies of Louisville, Kentucky., Mary Trueheart Williamson
A history of the Kentucky School for the Blind, 1842-1930., Gretchen R. Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 1942
The incidence of Trichinella spiralis in the diaphragms of swine from the Louisville abattoirs., Stuart Lyle Adams
The history of the Louisville public elementary schools, 1829-1860., Helen Borgman
Waldo Frank's treatment of women., Mary Hodge Cox
The effect of pigments on oleoresinous film structure., Glenn Robert Eudaley 1920-
Activated carbon treatment of raw whiskey., Earl A. Fallin 1914-1996
The treatment of adolescence in contemporary American literature., Goldie Mae Fertig
The psychiatric treatment of a group of delinquents., Bernard Finkelstein
Tuberculosis in Louisville and Jefferson County., Anna J. Haines