This collection includes theses and dissertations from the University of Louisville. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Global coherence and the teaching of composition., Frank A. Davis 1953-
Preprocessing of microcirculatory images., Mohamed S. Mansour
Jane Eyre and the postcolonial Bildungsroman., Patricia R. Payette
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Called to serve : American nurses go to war, 1914-1918., Katherine Burger Johnson
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Social warrants and classroom practices., Carol Mattingly 1945-
Pope Clement VI : attempts to resurrect the papal monarchy., Henry Miles Spalding 1961-
Part-time faculty satisfaction and reward systems., William E. Thompson
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
John F. Kennedy, Ghana and the Volta River project : a study in American foreign policy towards neutralist Africa., Kurt X. Metzmeier 1959-
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Life history and production of three species of isopods in Beargrass Creek Louisville, KY, James A. Eckstein
Abstractions of shapes and space., Rita Ford Jones
Design and applications of a graphics package for the HP1000 computer., Hsiao-Chih George Lee
A LORAN-C antenna coupling unit., Timothy Andrew Reilly 1963-
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Enlightenment, education and entertainment : a study of the Chautauqua movement in Kentucky., Judith J. Phillips 1944-
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
John Donne's use of numbers., Paula Yuhr Lincoln
A master clock for the Speed School impulse clock system using WWV time information, John E. Pfeifer Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Charles Wilkins Short : Kentucky botanist and physician, 1794-1863., Deborah Susan Skaggs 1949-
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
The Louisville (Kentucky) Democratic Party : political times of "Miss Lennie" McLaughlin., Carolyn Luckett Denning 1943-
A new assessment of the archaeological significance of the Ashworth site (15Bu236)., Philip James DiBlasi 1954-
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Analysis of structures subjected to dynamic loading., Jose Enrique Carrasco 1950-
A microprocessor-based mathematics trainer with voice output., Michael Joseph Linnig 1956-
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
Audio triamplification system., John James McCure
Jean Thomas' American Folk Song Festival : British balladry in Eastern Kentucky., Marshall A. Portnoy
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
A new procedure for calculating dipolar sources of EEG discharges., Joseph Harvey Rothweiler 1952-
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
One Blake : the principles and method of visionary awakening in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Milton, and Jerusalem., Richard Lee Record
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
Reclamation of orphan strip mined land in southern Illinois and western Kentucky : a field study of the Palzo project of Williamson County, Illinois and the Clear Creek swamp of Webster and Hopkins counties, Kentucky., Clara Ann Leuthart 1946-
A comparison of two smoking reduction treatments under conditions designed to be interfering or not interfering with the smoking habit., Gary Clive Salk 1944-
The effects of selected pesticides on ten isolates of terrestrial algae., Martha Scheer Salk 1945-
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
Henry Whitestone : nineteenth-century Louisville architect., Elizabeth Fitzpatrick Jones 1943-
The Irish in Louisville., Stanley Ousley Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
The pre-court career of John Marshall Harlan., Thomas L. Owen
Freedom in Heidegger., John Duffy Trager 1937-
Theses/Dissertations from 1966
The systematics and ecology of the Characeae (Nitella and Chara) of southwestern United States and northern Mexico., Donald R. Tindall
Theses/Dissertations from 1964
The Board of Internal Improvement of Kentucky, 1835-1850., Joe F. Decker
Theses/Dissertations from 1962
A history of Kentucky Home School for Girls from 1863 to 1913., Florence Whiteley Dickerson
Theses/Dissertations from 1961
The nuclear magnetic resonance analyses of some geometric isomers., Thomas H. Crawford
Theses/Dissertations from 1954
A comparison of the responses of students and teachers concerning what was taught in high school senior English., Beatrice Lewis Reynolds
Theses/Dissertations from 1953
An investigation of the effects of wave propagations in an infinite membrane upon the motions of salt particles on the surface, Robert Talmadge Maupin
Theses/Dissertations from 1952
The relationship of social-emotional readiness to learning achievement as seen in a first grade class at Prestonia School., Bernice Gabbert Cox
Theses/Dissertations from 1951
An experimental study of the effect of five variables on the rate of reversal of reversible figures., Clarence Howard Amster
Chemical analysis of atmospheric dust., Robert Patrick McCarthy
Theses/Dissertations from 1949
The separation of zirconium and hafnium by distillation : II. an engineering appraisal of aluminum structural materials., Everard G. Baker
Design and construction of earth dams., Panthragadi Bhyravamurthy
The handling of injury cases under the Workmen's Compensation Act of Kentucky., William E. Biggs
A handbook for the teaching of play production in the secondary schools., Cassie Avel Blankenbaker
A study of human relations in the fifth grade in I.N. Bloom School., Mildred Hargraves Bott
An analysis of the methods used by John William De Forest in translating his personal war experiences into realistic fiction as shown in Miss Ravenel's conversion., Elizabeth Maxwell Bright 1923-2010
Who is committed to the Louisville Workhouse?, Hurston C. Burkhart; Edward Edward Ellis, 1919-1999; James H. Ewalt, 1919-1972; and Louella Mae Jones
An analysis of Shelley's Hymn to intellectual beauty., Mona Belle Campbell
Relative volatility of esters in ethyl alcohol-water-ester system., Yi-Chung Chang
Newspaper matrix backing techniques., Robert Roscoe Childs
Meeting the mental health needs of a class through an experience curriculum., Olga M. Clarke
A proposed study of the affect of group counseling upon students on academic probation at the University of Louisville., Morrison L. Cooke
Semi-micro combustion, solvent extraction, and oleic acid adsorption of synthetic drying oils : part II., Isadore Nathan Cooperman
A study of veterans readmitted to Nichols Veterans Administration Hospital, Louisville, Kentucky from February 1, 1949 through March 5, 1949 emphasizing those factors contributing to their return., Elizabeth Ann Copeland, Ann Rose DiSalvo, Sarah Miller McCormack, and Lucille Amiotte Polmeteer
The inter-relation of school and community as seen in Fern Creek High School District, Jefferson County, Kentucky., Jack Dawson
The reduction of p-Tolyl methyl ether., Gustav Paul Dinga
Plywood adhesive development., Edward J. Dowd
A study of diffusion in distillation., Joseph G. Duffey
I. Improved ice meltage in ice boxes; II. Temperature control in tents - winter phase., Robert Beaman Duggan
A study of the backgrounds and contributions of forty-four letter writers to the Louisville Courier Journal Point of view column., Sidney A. Forsythe
Utilization of unwashed low grade phosphate rock., Stanley Goldsmith 1924-
A proposed study of the effect of non-directive play therapy upon the verbal and performance I.Q.'s of mentally deficient boys., George C. Hall
World War I and American public opinion, 1914-1917., Walter Edmund Hicks
The structure of Whitman's Song of myself., Jane Kinney Hill
A study of a fourth grade class., Virginia Lee Melone
Agarics of the Louisville area : a taxonomical problem., Eugene H. P. Mondeau
A proposed design for the evaluation of change in a small reference group., Irene Perry
The acceptance and social adjustment of a third grade group in Louisville, Kentucky., Aileen T. Presnell
A thermometer technique for the determination of emissivities of finishes., N. P. Shah 1923-
A proposed study of verbal employment references., Bernard M. Smith
A visual study of one year's activities of the Auburndale Graded School, Jefferson County, Kentucky., Bertha Trunnell
History of the King's Daughters Home for Incurables, Louisville, Kentucky, 1909-1948., Clyde H. Van Metre Jr.
Adair, then and now : an example of cooperation between school and community as seen in the Adair School District (Elementary School No. 78-2) Jefferson County, Kentucky., Emma Nisbet Whalin 1900-1960
Theses/Dissertations from 1948
A biochemical investigation of cirrhosis., Mary Frank Beattie
The history of the government of the city of Louisville., Attia Martha Bowmer
A study of the social adjustment of twenty-eight children with epileptic seizures and predisposition to convulsions in the Louisville and Jefferson County Children's Home 1937-1948., Elizabeth Whitcomb Brown
The place of rehabilitation in the Home for Incurables : a study of one hundred patients in the King's Daughters' Home for Incurables, Louisville, Kentucky, December 31, 1947., Gretna Lillian Brown
Mediation, conciliation and arbitration of labor disputes on the federal, state, and local level., Benjamin F. Browning
History of public education in Jeffersonville, Indiana., C. C. Callahan
Work of the visiting teacher in the schools of Louisville, Kentucky., Mary Seiler Clegg
A study of child health facilities in Kentucky., Jess L. Cusick
A study of prematurely and routinely discharged patients from Louisville General Hospital in 1946., Ruth Coleman Davidson
A study of fifty epileptic children., Jean M. Dockhorn
Methemoglobin., Herbert Friedman
A case study and the justification of a unit-type program., Maxine D. Fruchtenicht
Plywood adhesive development., Jesse R. Goza 1922-2013
A study of the reading of fifty teachers of Louisville and Jefferson County during the year of 1947-1948., Glenn Gray
The poet at war., E. R. Hagemann
Experiences to develop creativeness in the language arts in the fourth grade., Dorothy R. Harris
High temperature coatings for aircraft., Arthur Hoff Isaacs 1924-
Kentucky autobiography and Kentucky culture., William F. Keirce
A sociological study of part time employment in the senior high schools of Louisville, Kentucky., Thomas Hoskins Kettig
A study of the One Family Disaster Program, Louisville Chapter, American Red Cross, 1947., Margaret Veeder Kirk
The development of professional education for social work at the Raymond A. Kent School of Social Work of the University of Louisville, 1918-1946., Maurice L. Kohnhorst