This collection includes theses and dissertations from the University of Louisville. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Treatment of electric utility wastewaters by sol-gel solidification and stabilization, Alex Kearns
Modeling and counteracting exposure bias in recommender systems., Sami Khenissi
Coming to terms with Gonzo journalism : an analysis in Russian formalism., Beau Kilpatrick
Hybridity and political disorder : a mixed method approach to understanding the hybrid regime., Bryce Jamison Kleinsteuber
SolarPede: An untethered micro robot powered by light., Jordan Fredrick Klotz
A multi-plot assessment of vegetation structure using a micro-unmanned aerial system (UAS) in a semi-arid savanna environment., Nicholas E Kolarik
Investigation of flexural behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete and steel fiber orientation control during construction, Maria Kolisnichenko
Experimental investigation of the manufacture of tunable graphene oxide filter membranes using intense pulse light, Joshua H Kotter
Hemoglobin A1C levels and sport participation in children with type 1 diabetes., Amy Kozerski
Novel Bayesian methodology in multivariate problems., Debamita Kundu
Marriage among U.S. international students : meanings and aspirations., Assel Kuzembayeva
Therapeutic potential of withaferin A against non-small cell lung cancer., Al Hassan Kyakulaga
Evaluation of a learning community program for developmental reading students at a two-year college., Tonya Scott Lanphier
An evaluation of student perceptions of learning environments across fully on-line versus blended course delivery formats., Pamela Bates Larkin
Characterizing majority rule on various discrete models of consensus., Trevor Leach
A study on radiative pion capture as a source of background in the search for muon to electron conversion at the Mu2e experiment., Joseph Leibson
Representation and restraint : cross-national analysis of fractionalization and state-building., David Lian
Education abroad participation: predicting participation through high school academic record and intent to be involved in college as reported in the freshman survey (TFS) and in the college senior survey (CSS)., Elizabeth Karen Liebschutz-Roettger
Cognitive satellite communications and representation learning for streaming and complex graphs., Wenqi Liu
Determining the effect of an educational intervention on medical support personnel's knowledge to administer a standardized developmental screening tool., Leslie Chiaventone Lopez
Development of BAR-peptide nanoparticles and electrospun fibers for the prevention and treatment of oral biofilms., Mohamed Yehia Mahmoud
Queering black greek-lettered fraternities, masculinity and manhood : a queer of color critique of institutionality in higher education., Antron Demel Mahoney
Brokering words and work: complexities of literacy sponsorship in the oilfields of south Texas., Jennifer L. Marciniak
Denkyem (Crocodile): Identity development and negotiation among Ghanaian-American Millennials., Jakia Marie
Progressive city in the progressive era : child welfare reform in Louisville Kentucky., Mary K. Marlatt
Triple-junction Solar Cells : in parallel., Levi C Mays
Curating an American immigrant identity : German and Latin American heritage weekends as placemaking in Louisville, Kentucky, 1974-1980., Sarah Elizabeth McCoy
Developmental changes in reasoning about cross-classified individuals., Catherine H. McDermott
Handgun carrying patterns and suicide risk among youth., Teresa Jane McGeeney
Different and the same: a comparison of vertical and lateral transfer students., Joshua Harris McKee
Interpretive phenomenological analysis of the interplay of factors affecting burnout in academic medical faculty., Tara McKinley
Perceptions of restorative practices among black girls: talking circles in an urban alternative middle school., Vanessa Marie McPhail
Preference for odor-taste mixtures is dependent on previous experience., Kelsey Allison McQueen
Automatic signal and image-based assessments of spinal cord injury and treatments., Samineh Mesbah
Investigation of phosphoserine aminotransferase 1(PSAT1) in breast cancer progression., Stephanie Metcalf
Help-seeking for cognitive impairment by the patient : the role of self-compassion., Allison J. Midden
Improving flow-induced hemolysis prediction models., Mohammad Mohaghegh Faghih
Non-viral transfection efficiencies for the advancement of CAR-T therapy., Emily M Murphy
Nanowire based adsorbents/catalysts for CO2 capture and utilization., Apolo Nambo
Mapping rural literacy sponsorship networks : literacy infrastructures and perceptions in Abbyville., Amy McCleese Nichols
Creating a college-going culture : accountability models and measuring institutional rigor in secondary schools., Roland O'Daniel
Classification of the 4 stages of diabetic retinopathy using a low complexity convolutional neural network., Zeliha Ogur
Schumpeter revisited : faster better cheaper as grounds for entrepreneurial success and a path to an IPO., Charles Raymond Olsavsky
Reading the readers : analyses of Shakespearean and Cervantine characters as (dys)functional readers., Erin Shannon O'Reilly
Reaching zero waste: determining the student perspective on campus food waste., Cassie Anne Parkins
All season heat pipe system., Adrienne Marie Parsons
Suture-less Trocar Site Closure Clip, Hares A. Patel
Stability and reactivity analysis of single metal and bimetallic nanostructures by anodic stripping voltammetry., Dhruba Kumar Pattadar
Involuntary memories after stressor exposure: contribution of hormonal status and rumination in women., Samantha C. Patton
Laser spectroscopy investigations of jet-cooled metal-containing free radicals., Anam Chandra Paul
Waiting room., Helen Payne
Allee effects introduced by density dependent phenology., Timothy James Pervenecki
The conceptualization of the positive cognitive triad and associations with depressive symptoms in adolescents., Caroline M. Pittard
GC×GC-MS and parallel 2DLC-MS based untargeted metabolomics., Md Aminul Islam Prodhan
Glycine receptor expression across identified retinal ganglion cell types., Ian Scot Pyle
Design and predicting performance of carbon nanotube reinforced cementitious materials : mechanical properties and dispersion characteristics., Mahyar Ramezani
Laser spectroscopic investigations of organic alkoxy and peroxy radicals., Md Asmaul Reza
Synthetic methods and biological applications of nitrogen heterocycles to compounds of biological interest., Jarrid Ronnebaum
A recombinant cholera toxin b subunit variant (CTB-KDEL) exhibits unique colon mucosal healing effects that have therapeutic implications for inflammatory bowel disease., Joshua Mark Royal
Transforming moss P. patens with lignin peroxidase through heterologous protein expression., Jesse Lee Rozsa
An assessment of sustainability in Jefferson County public schools (Kentucky)., Elizabeth Ann Ruhe
Formally designing and implementing cyber security mechanisms in industrial control networks., Mehdi Sabraoui
Characterizing the role of extracellular matrix in non-small cell lung carcinoma metastasis using a 3D microenvironment mimetic in-vitro culture system., Douglas John Owulaku Saforo
Emotion regulation and the experience of racial microaggressions., Broderick Sawyer
"Monogamish" : constructing shared meaning of commitment and marriage in same-sex relationships., Brandon Michael Schmidt
Doing place : a framework for interpreting young adults' commitments to Appalachian Kentucky., Jeanelle Susanne Sears
Characterizing the roles of neutral ceramidase in cisplatin-induced kidney injury., Sophia M. Sears
Fatal attraction : intimate partner violence among black LGBTQ relationships., Amberli A. Seay
Electrochemical determination of surface area-to-volume ratio for metal nanoparticle analysis., Jay Narayan Sharma
The self-efficacy of biological mothers and foster mothers caring for infants prenatally exposed to drugs or treated for NAS : examination of potentially influencing factors., Megan Kathleen Sherehiy
Cannabidiol, behavior, and immune biomarkers in idiopathic autism spectrum disorder., Sarah Huang Shrader
Predicting residency match outcomes for fourth-year medical students., Jacob Shreffler
Plant protein prenylation in environmental responses and protein production., Parul Singh
Affirmatively furthering fair housing at the local level : a critical discourse analysis of practices in Louisville, Kentucky., Steven P. Sizemore
Aisle design for order picking operations with unit-load replenishment., Dominic Ian Sleigh
Opioid and stimulant use among a sample of corrections-involved drug users : seeking an understanding of high-risk drug decisions within a system of constraint., Kirsten Elin Smith
The role of social supports on the financial toxicity of Cancer., Lisa C. Smith
Kentucky's superintendent induction program : participants' perceptions of competency and longevity., Robert L. Smith
Campus recreation inclusion for people with disabilities: a qualitative investigation of current inclusive practices., Tyler C. Spencer
Designing and sample size calculation in presence of heterogeneity in biological studies involving high-throughput data., Sudhir Srivastava
The effect of spinal cord injury on sexual function., Casey J. Steadman
It's a mad world after all: the influence of stoic thought in Goya's Los Caprichos., Jennifer Anne Steward
Under construction : acting, creativity, collaboration, and SITI company., Carol Stewart
All the better to see you with., Monica Stewart
Characterization of the impact of prenatal cigarette smoke exposure on age- and sex-specific SIRT1-mediated hepatic molecular phenotype in C57BL/6 mice., Kendall S. Stocke
Polydrug use among people who use opioids, national survey on drug use and health 2002 to 2017., Diana Kuo Stojda
Refugee parent's perspectives on preschool enrollment after migration and resettlement., Kathy Stovall
Studying and handling iterated algorithmic biases in human and machine learning interaction., Wenlong Sun
An evaluation of the supply and demand of radiation oncology medical physicists in the United States., Christine Marie Swanson
Trace., KCJ Szwedzinski
This to which we've come., Holly Tabor
Laser spectroscopy investigations on molecular and free radicals dynamics., Hamzeh Telfah