This collection includes theses and dissertations from the University of Louisville. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Self-executed dramaturgy : a journey with Miss Ida B. Wells., Sidney Michelle Edwards
A cancer-targeted gold nanoparticle-based MRI contrast agent., Nagwa El-Baz
Network science algorithms for mobile networks., Heba Mohamed Elgazzar
Cognitive performance application., Shade EL-Hadik
The effects of monaural and binaural cues on perceived reverberation by normal hearing and hearing-impaired listeners., Gregory Matthew Ellis
Fostering positive emotion through self-compassion in individuals with chronic pain., Melissa E. Ellsworth
Simulation-based analysis and optimization of the United States Army performance appraisal system., Lee A. Evans
The N-terminal methyltransferase homologs NRMT1 and NRMT2 exhibit novel regulation of activity through heterotrimer formation., Jon David Faughn
Hybrid perovskite characterization and device applications., Kasun Fernando
Traumatic brain injury : investigating misconceptions among graduate students in physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology., Michael Frazure
Computational modeling of electronically excited states in cobalamin-dependent reactions., Brady D. Garabato
Principal professional development and principal self-efficacy in an urban school district., Brian Thomas Garrett
Present but not accounted for: a phenomenological study of gifted African American males., Ronda Elizabeth George
Photonic tools for advanced sensing and imaging at the nanoscale., Jafar Hamed Ghithan
Generalized spatiotemporal modeling and causal inference for assessing treatment effects for multiple groups for ordinal outcome., Soutik Ghosal
Factorization in integral domains., Ryan H. Gipson
Dead wood and decomposition in a tropical forest : vertical patterns, long-term processes, and the role of lightning., Evan Matthew Gora
EGFR signaling from the early endosome., Julie A. Gosney
Breaking with tradition(?) : female representations of heroism in old english poetry., Kathryn A. Green
Deindustrializing school : the implementation of career academies and implications for school leaders., Terra Greenwell
The ‘just city’ or just a city? : evaluating social justice and equity in planning education., Wes Grooms
Lead and crime: an ecological study between lead contaminated topsoil and violent crime., Brian Guinn
Horse racing prediction using graph-based features., Mehmet Akif Gulum
Low temperature desiccants in atmospheric water generation., Sunil Gupta
There is water in the world for us : the environmental theories of Alice Walker., Janae Lewis Hall
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibition by polychlorinated biphenyls contributes to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)., Josiah Hardesty
Inflammasome independent leukotriene-b4 production drives crystalline silica induced sterile inflammation., Bindu Hegde
The styles of criminology : writing among the stars., Ethan Maxwell Higgins
Restoring cholesterol homeostasis in familial hypercholesterolemia cell line model, Lubna Hindi
The effectiveness of localized ultrasound and aptamer surface modification on nanoemulsions for drug delivery to spheroids., Daniel A. Hodge
Accuracy differences between interview formats : examining factors that may influence metamemory utilization., Robin F. Hopkins
How do entrepreneurs react to investor rejection, try harder or move on?, Yuhan Hua
Innate immunity, the hepatic extracellular matrix, and liver injury: mathematical modeling of metastatic potential and tumor development in alcoholic liver disease., Shanice V. Hudson
Using reality therapy in clinical supervision : a psychotherapy-driven model., Quentin Hunter
Material-process-property relationships of 17-4 stainless steel fabricated by laser-powder bed fusion followed by hot isostatic pressing., Harish Irrinki
Sexual violence and the institutional integration of first year college students., Ann Katherine James
Potential for developing run-of-river systems in eastern Kentucky : a GIS approach to site suitability., Thomas Jeffords
High dynamic range optical devices and applications., Elijah Robert Jensen
Understanding the role of social capital on performance in family firms., Mahshid Jessri
The unequal city: the mass criminalization of the urban poor., Elizabeth Michele Jones
Autism spectrum disorder : investigating predictive diagnostic relationships in children three years-of-age and younger., Kaitlin Juergensen
Phase unwrapping of 4D-flow MRI data with graph cuts., Andrew Justice
Gender boundary negotiation within the U.S. immigrant/refugee resettlement : how transnational bridge-building matters., Telesphore Kagaba
Maintainability analysis of mining trucks with data analytics., Abdulgani Kahraman
Stalkers : what are they thinking?, Bethany Lynne Keller
Arab-Islamic and folk health models: new perspectives on Syrian refugee resettlement in the US., Ghina Kheir
Swallow and breathing coordination following suprahyoid muscle injury., Bradley Kimbel
Assessing the role of arsenite in disrupting the EGFR signaling axis., Christine Kim
Modeling and simulation methodologies for spinal cord stimulation., Saliya Kumara Kirigeeganage
Multi self-adapting particle swarm optimization algorithm (MSAPSO)., Gerhard Koch
Universal truths, verisimilitude, and hyperreality: Baudrillard’s simulacra and simulation in Pride and Prejudice and the Lizzie Bennet diaries., Kathryn M. Kohls
Vertical gallium nitride schottky diodes for power switching applications., Sowmya Kolli
A socioemotional wealth perspective on innovativeness and performance of family businesses., Vasiliki Kosmidou
Identification and functional characterization of effectors from an anther smut fungus, Microbotryum lychnidis-dioicae., Venkata Swathi Kuppireddy
Vinyl chloride enhances diet-induced liver injury via metabolic dyshomeostasis : critical role of mitochondria., Anna L. Lang
A study of GPR3, GPR6, of GPR12 as novel molecular targets for cannabidiol., Alyssa S. Laun
Effects of context and individual differences on memory for prior remembering., Marcus L. Leppanen
Exploring the capabilities approach in a sport for development and peace setting., Jeffrey F. Levine
The role of cathelicidin in the regulation of gut microbiota and inflammasome activation in alcoholic liver disease., Fengyuan Li
Cost burden of social isolation for wheelchair users in Louisville, Kentucky., Connie Light
Characterization of microreactor and analysis of carbonyl compounds in exhaled breath., Qi Li
Designing interactive virtual environments with feedback in health applications., Yi Li
Detection of trace tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) through surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) on microfabricated platforms, Jack T Lockard
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in the Gambia., Sandhya Lohani
Perceptions of pediatric nurses and parents of hospitalized children engaged in shared decision making., Lisa English Long
"Triggers": systematic and social cues for black college student racial self-consciousness and rejection sensitivity, race-based., LeAnna T. Luney
Long-range electrostatic interactions in gold catalysis and fluorinating reagent development., Zhichao Lu
Framing climate change as national security: a survey-experiment on climate change perceptions., Adam Lyons
Spam elimination and bias correction : ensuring label quality in crowdsourced tasks., Lingyu Lyu
A framework for cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) scene retrieval from medical simulation videos based on object and activity detection., Anju Panicker Madhusoodhanan Sathik
Effects of hydrogen sulfide in hyperhomocysteinemia-mediated skeletal muscle myopathy., Avisek Majumder
Pens, print, and pixels : gendered writing and the epistolary genre in transitional eras., Keri Elizabeth Mathis
A fractured conversation : the professional, scholarly, and disciplinary identities of two-year college writing faculty., Laura Sceniak Matravers
Post-diagnosis quality of life and mortality in non-Hispanic White and Hispanic women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer., Delvon T. Mattingly
When the ground shakes., James May
Perinatal nicotine with or without early life influenza infection leads to lung dysfunction with age., Ryan Carroll McAllister
A new surgical approach for O-C2 fusion, solving the problem of dysphagia., M. Kathryn McClure
North American indigenous collection and curation and its impact on market arts., Adelaide McComb
Weight stigma and motivation to exercise : exploring associations and constructs from the basic needs theory., Stephanie R. McDonough
Investigating the likelihood of pediatric femur fracture due to falls through finite element analysis., Keyonna McKinsey
Student engagement in post-soviet higher education: coping with academic quality problems., J. L. Mettille
Title., Douglas Miller
Evaluation of drug-loaded gold nanoparticle cytotoxicity as a function of tumor tissue heterogeneity., Hunter Allan Miller
Score study procedures and processes among instrumental music teachers and students of varying experience., Jacob Mark Mitchell
Binder jetting additive manufacturing process fundamentals and the resultant influences on part quality., Hadi Miyanaji
Influences of porphyromonas gingivalis on the viability of esophageal cancer cells., Muddasir Mohammed
Influence of bilberry-derived anthocyanidins on key regulators of colorectal cancer development., Ashley M. Mudd
Asylum for mezzo-soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, & chamber orchestra., Cullyn D. Murphy
Ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation of metal additive manufacturing., Venkata Karthik Nadimpalli
Physical education activity courses: an exploration of how enrollment influences student retention rates., Dylan J. Naeger
Process-property-microstructure relationships in laser-powder bed fusion of 420 stainless steel., Subrata Deb Nath
Alpha-amino methylation and acetylation are novel regulators of MYL9 function., Christopher David Nevitt
Coal ash exposure and behavioral impairments among children in Louisville, Kentucky., Chisom Nmesoma Odoh