This collection includes theses and dissertations from the University of Louisville. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Evaluation of the health and exposure histories of a community surrounded by industry and industrial waste : a mixed methods approach., Lindsay Koloff Tompkins
Electrospun fibers and nanoparticles for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections., Kevin Michael Tyo
Character arcs: mapping creative writers' trajectories into the composition classroom., Jon Udelson
Functional opponency in working memory capacity predicts cognitive flexibility in problem solving., Charles A. Van Stockum Jr.
Predictors of empirically-supported interventions following structured functional assessment., Alton Nathaniel Verbist
Exploring the role of PTN1 in ustilago maydis., Lalu Murali Krishna Vijayakrishna Pillai
Disordered eating, depression, and cognitive vulnerabilities in college women., Kelsea Visalli
Synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of metal complexes with cancer selective anti-proliferative effects and hydrogen evolution catalytic properties., Nicholas Vishnosky
mabalêl., Johannes Visser
The manipulation of host transcription by the ANKH effector of legionella., Juanita E. Von Dwingelo
Comparative spending of medicaid dollars on child participants of Kentucky’s sobriety treatment and recovery teams program versus a matched comparison group., Matthew Thomas Walton
Digital political information consumption and ambivalent political attitudes., Dane Ryan Warner
Charting a course through confusion: mapping pathological cranial lesions in an Archaic population from Kentucky., Austin Warren
Vile transgressor of the womb : prosecution and persecution for concealment in Puritan Massachusetts., Jennifer White
Paraoxonase 2 is critical for non-small cell lung carcinoma proliferation., Aaron Whitt
Eyes in the field, a seat at the table, a voice at the ranch : a study on optimal farm labor conditions., Christine Wiggins-Romesburg
A contemporary trend analysis of Kentucky State Police vehicular pursuit-related collisions and injuries., Frederick A. Williams Jr.
The Division I men's basketball transfer redshirt requirement : hurting or helping black student-athletes?, Sarah B. Williams
“I have prayed and prayed: I have labored and labored”: ethnic catholicism in Daviess country Kentucky, 1850-1900., Edward A. Wilson III
Leonora Carrington : A Bestiary., Stephanie Wise
Probability of conception after fertility counseling and the association of sexually transmitted infections with pregnancy in the Loussi study., Lindsey Adelle Wood
Exploring normalization of deviance and examining factors that predict culture of safety in the operating room., M. Imelda Wright
The emergent matter of archives : a rhetorical investigation of the queer formation of the Williams-Nichols archive., Richard Wysocki
Statistical methods for estimating and testing treatment effect for multiple treatment groups in observational studies., Xiaofang Yan
Discourses in practice : a qualitative case study of an elementary ESL teacher and her four Congolese students., Emily Lynn Zuccaro
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Igniting the imagination : tenaciously building a character., Lois Abdelmalek
A transfer learning approach for sentiment classification., Omar Abdelwahab
Automatic IQ estimation using stylometry methods., Polina Shafran Abramov
"Why am I in school?": a mixed methods investigation into stopping out of college., Kathryn Gardner Adamchik
Sum frequency generation spectroscopy of simulated protein secondary structures., Andrew J. Adams
The effects of habitat and connectivity on tropical ant ecology and behavior., Benjamin Jacob Adams
The history and signification of the Navicella Mosaic at St. Peter's Basilica, Rome., Eston Dillon Adams
Effect of porcelain thickness and translucency on the final shade of IPS e.max CAD overlaying a dark substrate., Peter F. Alena
Educational, financial, and social needs of families of children with multiple disabilities in Saudi Arabia., Mohammed Abdulrahman Alkohaiz
An assessment of the disaster preparedness knowledge of emergency medical services providers in Hajj of 2016., Ahmed Meaiwedh Al-Otaibi
Breathing instruction of successful high school marching band directors., Michael A. Alsop
Cross-validation of the body compassion scale in a sample of women in perimenopause., Jennifer K. Altman
Conciencia bilingüe : the multilingual and academic writing practices of undocumented immigrant activists., Sara del Pilar Alvarez
Microstructure and mechanical properties of selective laser melted superalloy inconel 625., Md Ashabul Anam
Conquerors or cowards: the role of the Kentucky mounted militia in the Indian wars from 1768 to 1841., Joel Anderson
Addition of exothermic reaction scale-up lab to unit operations curriculum., Lisa A Anderson
Children's play, early literacy, and educational (in)equities., Jane E. Andris
Coagulation Factor XIIIA: biochemical properties underlying physiological function., Boris Anokhin
T socio-ecology of managed honeybees (apis mellifera) in the Louisville Metro area., Haileigh M. Arnold
Electrochemical and morphological properties of chloride-doped lithium argyrodite solid electrolytes., William Richard Arnold
Assessing the relationship between talker normalization and spectral contrast effects in speech perception., Ashley Atri Assgari
Confidence in the police among Caribbean countries., Hyunin Baek
Optimizing high-speed exercise performance : effect of load., Ling Bai
Optimization of PLGA and PLGA-dasatinib particles through a Taguchi design approach, Rayeanne N Balgemann
Design and development of a multifunctional surgical device for ground and space-based surgical applications., Brooke Elaine Barrow
Understanding the relationship between anti-transgender bias, non-affirmation, and post-traumatic stress: a model of internalized transphobia-mediated post-traumatic stress., Sebastian Mitchell Barr
Materials design with polylactic acid-polyethylene glycol blends using 3D printing and for medical applications., Jeremiah R. Bauer
The spectral atom : cohesion of spectral particles in the music of Alvin Lucier., Timothy Carl Bausch
Nutritional virulence of Legionella pneumophila., Ashley M. Best
Biophysical exploration of conformational environments in zymogen prothrombin and blood coagulant thrombin., Ramya Billur
An examination of individual teacher engagement and school climate characteristics that influence highly effective veteran teachers to remain teaching in low-performing schools., Terrie Elizabeth Blackman
Temperature effects on helium filled soap bubble particle tracking velocimetry., Michael C. Blum
Unfolded protein response pathways in skeletal muscle homeostasis., Kyle R. Bohnert
Political activism and resistance in Irish America : the clan na gael 1912-1916., Sara Bethany Bornemann
Institutional processes to determine community engagement impact : a collective case study., Amanda Marie Bowers
The population ecology and behavior of the cave salamander, Eurycea lucifuga (Rafinesque, 1822)., Joseph Gavin Bradley
The emperor's new clothes: how the new atheists are reminding the humanities of their place and purpose in society., David Ira Buckner
Reactive lamination of perovskite solar cells., Lyndie Burns
Loss of the Na+/H+ exchange regulatory factor 1 results in increased susceptibility to cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury., Adrienne M. Bushau-Sprinkle
Tooling for injection molding using laser-powder bed fusion., Mohith Ram Buxani
Deciphering the role of human arylamine N-acetyltransferase 1 (NAT1) in breast cancer cell metabolism using a systems biology approach., Samantha Marie Carlisle
The mosaics of Ciudad Universitaria : Mexican muralism at the crossroads., Annemarie Elizabeth Carney
Frederic Lindley Morgan : gentleman architect and reluctant modernist., Lisa Grace Carpenter
Uncertain certainties: an analysis of the American response to the 2014-2016 West African Ebola epidemic., Kelly Carty
Development of a capacitive photocurrent scanning microscope with carrier depletion super-resolution., Austin Levi Carver
Examining the temporal directionality between teaching behavior and affect in high school students., Bridget Cauley
Tumor-targeted double emulsions for ultrasound-triggered delivery of molecular therapeutics., Connor S Centner
End-to-end learning framework for circular RNA classification from other long non-coding RNAs using multi-modal deep learning., Mohamed Chaabane
The migration and developmental remodeling of intrinsic interneurons in visual thalamus and the role of retinal signaling., Naomi E. Charalambakis
The role of aldehyde dehygrogenase 2 in liver injury caused by vinyl chloride and high-fat diet., Liya Chen
Factors influencing the retention of women faculty in STEM disciplines., Carrie J. Christensen
Functional and structural impact of the loss of the leucine-rich repeat protein LRIT1 in the mouse retina., Catherine Ann Cobb
Jumping over the hurdle : examining and overcoming the barriers for women in intercollegiate athletics through mentorship., Emma Mary Cohen
Access to culturally responsive teaching for English language learners : mainstream teacher perceptions and practice on inclusion., Tamela N. Compton
Fostering compassionate care for persons with Alzheimer's disease in nursing facilities., Sam Gilbert Cotton
Malaria in the prehistoric Caribbean : the hunt for hemozoin., Mallory D. Cox
The disjointed moment : marking, mapping, and making the real in William Eggleston's election eve (1976)., Joel Darland
CD11b regulation of B cell receptor signaling in health and systemic lupus erythematosus., Paul Lorenzo Dascani
Constructs of collaboration : a multi-case embedded study of a community-wide partnership for school-age youth., Charles Curtis Davis Jr.
Repetitive negative thinking styles and first-semester academic performance: psychological risk and resilience among low-income college students., Darlene M. Davis
Investigation of cardiovascular tissue following 56Fe-radiation and potential countermeasure effectiveness., Alexandra R DeCarlo
Characterizing the gut microbiota during plasmodium infection and antimalarial treatment., Joshua E. Denny
Impacts of ammonia and temperature on freshwater snail behavior and physiology., Megan Christine DeWhatley
State-reinforced self-governance of community-managed open spaces in Chicago, IL and Louisville, KY., Willow Sequoia Dietsch
A qualitative approach to examining the rules of a community college and industry partnership., Cara Dimattina-Ryan
Fostering sense of belonging : a multi-case study of black male retention initiatives., Jarrod Elliott Druery
Maturation of human induced pluripotent stem cell derived engineered cardiac tissues using chief transfection and chronic optical pacing., Marc M. Dwenger
Assessment and optimization of environmental systems using data analysis and simulation., Milad Ebrahimi
Investigating the unique reactivity of novel HX (X=Cl, Br) reagents with alkenes and alkynes., Rene E. Ebule
'Where history meets the future' : a historiographic exploration of Mississippi : the view from Tougaloo., Khirsten L. Echols