This collection includes theses and dissertations from the University of Louisville. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Atomization as colonial strategy in Palestine., Christian Alexander Brawner
Factors of dysphagia in the overdose population post extubation., Renee Brown
"It's personal": a case study analysis of the strategic management of resources in a historically black University athletic department., Brigitte M. Burpo
Mechanistic insight of the role of NHERF1 in cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury., Adrienne M. Bushau-Sprinkle
Formation, organization, and synaptic properties of circuits between thalamic reticular nucleus and dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus., Peter W. Campbell
Mitigating black claustrophobia: space, trauma, and healing modalities in the postcolonial narrative., Saleema Mustafa Campbell
Methods for Mass Data Acquisition of Whiskey Webs., Adam D. Carrithers
Investigating the disorder and compaction of designed Minielastin using nuclear magnetic resonance., Ma Faye Charmagne Aquino Carvajal
Design, synthesis and application of Janus gold nanoprisms for directed self-assembly., Md. Emtias Chowdhury
The experience of friendship between individuals with and without an intellectual disability., Rebecca Clark
Short-term financial confidence as a predictor of academic achievement and six-year graduation success of first-year students., Shawna M. Clark
The retinoblastoma protein mediates metabolic reprogramming in lung cancer., Lindsey R. Conroy
Job satisfaction for individuals with disabilities: youth one year out., Katherine Michelle Cooper PhD
Effects of Design Autonomy on the Flow Experience, Antonio F Coriano
An exercise device used to achieve bone formation metrics for the strengthening of the proximal femur., Sean P. Coyle
Aspects of causal inference., John A. Craycroft
The utilization of metal-ligand cooperativity for electrocatalytic reduction and catalytic hydration., Steven Cronin
Women of pop., Jourdan Cunningham
Statistical approaches of gene set analysis with quantitative trait loci for high-throughput genomic studies., Samarendra Das
Development of core pharmacy roles with competency/EPA alignment and levels of entrustment., Kimberly K. Daugherty
Gun ownership as an expression of whiteness and masculinity., Michael Daugherty
A machine learning approach for allocating route cost to customers for transportation and logistics services., Alison Davis
Backing tracks/play-along materials: origins of several currently popular platforms and strategies for their use., Giovanni De Castro Sena
Computational techniques in medical image analysis application for white blood cells classification., Omar Dekhil
Dynamic analysis and fabrication of a bi-stable structure designed for MEMS energy harvesting applications., Masoud Derakhshani
Functionalizing nanoparticles with CafA protein to target BAR peptide for oral delivery applications., Hetal Desai
Selective laser melting 17-4 PH stainless steel and the effect of varied thermal treatments on fatigue behavior., Sean Daniel Dobson
Using active learning techniques to improve oral health literacy among children in vulnerable populations., Sarah Maria Downes
Radical renewal, the sisters of Loretto, Nouvelle Theologie, and the second vatican council., Carol Bolton Easterly
Soil nutrient and contaminant assessment in community gardens, Louisville, Kentucky., Jessica Lynne Eggleston
An exploration of provenance and ownership history and the critique of curatorial practice., Sacra J. Fallen
Autism Spectrum Disorder: investigating predictive adaptive behavior skill deficits in young children., Emma L. Feige
Teacher perceptions of collegial collaboration in an academy structure., Kristy Marie Field
The many facets of trauma - high need index school principals' perspectives of trauma-informed care., Nicole Michelle Fields
Epithelial responses to Porphyromonas gingivalis in the community context., Zackary Ray Fitzsimonds
Trust in primary care providers: perspectives from deaf people., Greir Ander Huck Flynn
We've got the 'hots' for changing teacher misconceptions of learning styles: a mixed-methods approach., Allison Paige Fowler
Costs and benefits of HIPV-mediated eavesdropping under field conditions., Grace Ellin Freundlich
A content analysis of Olivia Pope: how Scandal reconfirms the negative stereotypes of Black women., Chelsy LeAnn Golder
Invocation., Shae Taylor Goodlett
Development of in vitro models to study the rapid extraintestinal dissemination of salmonella., Adarsh Gopinath
How nondiscrimination takes root: an examination of methods to implement statewide nondiscrimination legislation in Kentucky., Blake Nona Gould
Marginal methods and software for clustered data with cluster- and group-size informativeness., Mary Elizabeth Gregg
N-Acetyltranserase 2 (NAT2) genotype polymorphism in cryopreserved human hepatocytes and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells., Mariam Refaat Zaky Habil
The sidewalk less traveled: evaluating change in community and police perception., Jennifer Lee Hall
Connecting right-wing authoritarianism to environmental beliefs and behaviors: a pilot study., Rebecca Halpryn
GridHub: a grid-based, high-density material handling system., Gang Hao
Plasmodium impairs antibacterial innate immunity to systemic infections in part through hemozoin-bound bioactive molecules., Christopher Lynn Harding
Language ability and concurrent predictors of pragmatic communication in children with williams syndrome or 7q11.23 duplication syndrome., Amanda G. Harmon
A novel role for RASSF1A in the regulation of RAS activation., Desmond Ramón Harrell Stewart
A king's royal scars., Xavier Mikal Harris
Nonlinear control and observation of full-variable speed wind turbine systems., Nicholas Hawkins
Predictors of binge drinking among military veterans: a general strain theory approach., Emily Ann Hayden
Capacity building: a study of career academies and student career self-efficacy., Shawn Timothy Hinds Jr
Evaluation of a jail reentry program., Bailey Elisabeth Holland
The norms are more guidelines than actual rules: applying Isomorphism to disability accommodations in the catholic church., Jonathon Holland
A GIS-based method for archival and visualization of microstructural data from drill core samples., Elliott Holmes
Mathematical characterization of a microfluidic ultrasound driven transfection device., Chris J. Holton
Examining corporate blameworthiness in relation to federal organizational sentencing for probation and corporate monitors., Emily M. Homer
Student perceptions of personalized learning in a rural school district., Kathryn M. House
The Nigerian-American immigration experience: overcoming adversity through resilence., K. Chinwe Idigo
Impacts of environmental and hydrologic factors on urban stream water quality., Jason Patrik Ingram
External homophobia and outness in gay men., Thomas Charles Isaak Jr
Tobacco enhances bacterial-induced periodontal bone loss in mice., Mina Iskander
Compassion or neoliberal governance: critiquing the discourse of compassionate Louisville., Ekramul Islam
Gender-differential effects of perceived discrimination on lawyers' job satisfaction: a general strain theory approach., Caroline Isabelle Jalain
White moves first: unearthing white privilege in the modern board game., Darrell A. Johnson
Development of rationally designed live attenuated vaccines for Lassa fever and Venezuelan equine encephalitis., Dylan MacGregor Johnson
Kindergarten readiness and grade 1 mathematics achievement., Faneshia McPherson Jones
Hirschman's voice, exit, and loyalty framework in the context of charter schools and secession: a discourse analysis of Indiana newspaper editorial items, 1990 to 2014., GlyptusAnn Grider Jones
In need of a hero? the creation and use of the legend of General George S. Patton, Jr., Nathan Curtis Jones
Exploring black "saviors": a content analysis of black characters and racial discourses in Obama-era films., Eric A. Jordan
Analyzing human resource competency development through the lens of adult learning theory: a qualitative case study on change management competency in a global U.S.-based firm., Angela K. Jorgensen
Optimization and simulation models to improve access to organ transplantation in the United States., Fatemeh Karami
Fostering African American female students’ sense of belonging: a digital storytelling participatory action research approach., Rajwinder Kaur
Determination of selenite and selenate in wet flue gas desulfurization process water through IC-ICP-MS and HG-ICP-AES, Samuel Anthony Kelty
Genes involved in nitrogen assimilation in Ustilago maydis., Sunita Khanal
Between two cultures: a qualitative analysis of LGBQ American desis' published stories., Shaina Khan
Photoelectrical and photoelectrochemical characterization of the materials used in dye-sensitized and perovskite solar cells., Pom Lal Kharel
Anxiety and how to control it: the functional role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis., Lindsay K. Knight
Volatile organic compound exposure and cardiometabolic syndrome risk in a nationally representative cohort., Stacey Lane Konkle
Changing agricultural landscapes: an investigation of dragon fruit production in southern Vietnam., Laura Krauser
Reactive and regulative temperament dimensions, emotion regulation, and concurrent internalizing and externalizing pathology among youth with ADHD., Kirsten D. Leaberry
Analyzing the effects of of seasonal land cover and precipitation on the sediment delivery ratio of an agriculture dominated watershed., Jonah Liebman
Dual role of antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin in alcohol-associated liver disease., Fengyuan Li
The sick ones., Christian Loriel Lucas
Therapeutic rupture repair in treatment of military adolescents., Brent Anthony Luebcke
Marriage and cohabitation in the United States: the effects of union type on relationship quality., Courtney M. Lush
Tobacco product-derived aldehydes: effects on circulating angiogenic cells & implications for cardiovascular disease., Jordan B. Lynch
Getting up: an ethnography of hip hop graffiti writers, their art, and perceptions of society's reactions., Theodore Malone
Computational modeling of photolysis and catalysis reactions in vitamin b12-dependent enzymes., Abdullah Al Mamun