This collection includes faculty and staff scholarship from the University of Louisville. For more information about what types of scholarship may be included, please see our Collection Policy.


Submissions from 2021


Designing AI for Explainability and Verifiability: A Value Sensitive Design Approach to Avoid Artificial Stupidity in Autonomous Vehicles, Steven Umbrello and Roman V. Yampolskiy


Online Learning Librarianship in a Fully Online World: Findings (and Advice) from a National Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Amber Willenborg and Tessa Withorn


Understanding and avoiding AI failures: A practical guide, Robert Williams and Roman Yampolskiy


Wastewater Sample Site Selection to Estimate Geographically Resolved Community Prevalence of COVID-19: A Sampling Protocol Perspective, R. Yeager, R. H. Holm, K. Saurabh, J. L. Fuqua, D. Talley, A. Bhatnagar, and T. Smith

Submissions from 2020


The sounds of science - A symphony for many instruments and voices, Gerianne Alexander, Roland E. Allen, Anthony Atala, Warwick P. Bowen, Alan A. Coley, John B. Goodenough, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, Eugene V. Koonin, Mario Krenn, Lars S. Madsen, Martin Månsson, Nicolas P. Mauranyapin, Art I. Melvin, Ernst Rasel, Linda E. Reichl, Roman Yampolskiy, Philip B. Yasskin, Anton Zeilinger, and Suzy Lidström


Crop Yield and Democracy, James B. Ang, Per G. Fredriksson, and Satyendra Kumar Gupta


Older adults hospitalized for pneumonia in the United States: Incidence, epidemiology, and outcomes., Forest W. Arnold, Andrea Reyes-Vega, Vidyulata Salunkhe, Stephen P. Furmanek, Christian Furman, Laura Morton, Anna Johan Faul, Pam Yankeelov, and Julio A. Ramirez


From "Don't Use It" to "Let's Edit!": Using Wikipedia to Teach the ARLIS/NA Art, Architecture, and Design Information Competencies, Courtney Baron


Introduction: On Connection, Diversity, and Resilience in Writing Across the Curriculum, Lesley Erin Bartlett, Sandra L. Tarabochia, Andrea R. Olinger, and Margaret J. Marshall


Results of a second season of Paleolithic survey in the Agig area: the Red Sea region of the Sudan, Amanuel Beyin, Abubakr Abdelrahman Adam, Ahmed Alhaj O. Balela, and Boshra Abdella Adem


Resilience, Moral Distress, and Workplace Engagement In Emergency Department Nurses, Paul Clark, Timothy Crawford, Brandonn Hulse, and Barbara Polivka


Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Demonstrating the Power of WISE in the Study of Galaxy Groups to z < 0.1, M. E. Cluver, T. H. Jarrett, E. N. Taylor, A. M. Hopkins, S. Brough, S. Casura, B. W. Holwerda, J. Liske, K. A. Pimbblet, and A. H. Wright


Absurdity in the Statehouse: Burlesque Legislation and the Politics of Rejection, Calvin Coker


Words have a weight: language as a source of inner grounding and flexibility in abstract concepts, Guy Dove, Laura Barca, Luca Tummolini, and Anna M. Borghi


Critical Dialogue: "The Politics of War Powers: The Theory and History of Presidential Unilateralism." By Sarah Burns, Jasmine Farrier


The elevated systemic cytokine levels in HIV patients are not associated with an elevated pulmonary cytokine environment., Rafael Fernandez-Botran, Andrea Reyes-Vega, Yasmany García, Chanakya Charan Tirumala, Praneet Kumar Srisailam, Anupama Raghuram, Paula Peyrani, Stephen P. Furmanek, Mahder A. Tella, Jeffrey D. Ritzenthaler, Jesse Roman, and Julio A. Ramirez


Brian Reynolds, Public Visibility, and Gay Stardom, Finley Freibert


Mergers trigger active galactic nuclei out to z ∼0.6, F. Gao, L. Wang, W. J. Pearson, Y. A. Gordon, Benne W. Holwerda, A. M. Hopkins, M. J.I. Brown, J. Bland-Hawthorn, and M. S. Owers


“It Doesn’t Feel Like a Conversation”: Digital Field Experiences and Preservice Teachers’ Conceptions of Writing Response, Alison Heron-Hruby, James S. Chisholm, and Andrea R. Olinger


The Sizes of z ∼ 9-10 Galaxies Identified in the Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies (BoRG) Survey, Benne W. Holwerda, Joanna S. Bridge, Rebecca L. Steele, Samir Kusmic, Larry Bradley, Rachael Livermore, Stephanie Bernard, and Alice Jacques


Tracing the anemic stellar halo of M 101, In Sung Jang, Roelof S. De Jong, Benne W. Holwerda, Antonela Monachesi, Eric F. Bell, and Jeremy Bailin


Is NGC 300 a pure exponential disk galaxy?, In Sung Jang, Roelof S. De Jong, Ivan Minchev, Eric F. Bell, Antonela Monachesi, Benne W. Holwerda, Jeremy Bailin, Adam Smercina, and Richard D'Souza


Modeling and Counteracting Exposure Bias in Recommender Systems, Sami Khenissi and Olfa Nasraoui


Galaxy and mass assembly: a comparison between galaxy⇓galaxy lens searches in KiDS/GAMA, Shawn Knabel, Rebecca L. Steele, Benne W. Holwerda, Joanna S. Bridge, Alice Jacques, Andrew M. Hopkins, Stephen P. Bamford, Michael J.I. Brown, Sarah Brough, Lee Kelvin, Maciej Bilicki, and John Kielkopf


WALLABY – an SKA Pathfinder H i survey, Bärbel S. Koribalski, L. Staveley-Smith, T. Westmeier, P. Serra, K. Spekkens, O. I. Wong, K. Lee-Waddell, C. D.P. Lagos, D. Obreschkow, E. V. Ryan-Weber, M. Zwaan, V. Kilborn, G. Bekiaris, K. Bekki, F. Bigiel, A. Boselli, A. Bosma, B. Catinella, G. Chauhan, M. E. Cluver, M. Colless, H. M. Courtois, R. A. Crain, W. J.G. de Blok, H. Dénes, A. R. Duffy, A. Elagali, C. J. Fluke, B. Q. For, G. Heald, P. A. Henning, K. M. Hess, and Benne W. Holwerda


Investment, Deficits, and the Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism: An Exploratory Heterodox Analysis and Conjecture, Thomas E. Lambert


On the Economics of the Jockey Club’s 140 Mare Limit Proposal, Robert L. Losey Ph.D.


Incremental Changes in Inbreeding When Comparing Stallion Pedigrees from the Years 2000 and 2020, Robert L. Losey Ph.D. and Thomas E. Lambert 1959-


Pricing Stallion Seasons for an Individual Stallion: The Existence of Top Tier Pricing and Market Power, Robert L. Losey Ph.D. and Thomas E. Lambert 1959-


What is the status of the Lee’s Lane Landfill Superfund Site?, Jordan Lynch, Stacey Konkle, Jamar Wheeler, Katlyn McGraw, and Lauren Heberle


Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Properties and evolution of red spiral galaxies, Smriti Mahajan, Kriti Kamal Gupta, Rahul Rana, M. J.I. Brown, S. Phillipps, Joss Bland-Hawthorn, M. N. Bremer, S. Brough, Benne W. Holwerda, A. M. Hopkins, J. Loveday, Kevin Pimbblet, and Lingyu Wang


A review of the financial value of faecal sludge reuse in low-income countries, Adrian Mallory, Rochelle Holm, and Alison Parker


The Civil War Letters of David W. Voyles, M. D., Mary K Marlatt


Race, American Enlightenment, and the End Times, Mark A. Mattes


Review of When Novels Were Books. By Jordan Alexander Stein., Mark A. Mattes


Chess as a testing grounds for the oracle approach to AI safety, James D. Miller, Roman Yampolskiy, Olle Häggström, and Stuart Armstrong


Slave Hounds and Abolition in the Americas, Tyler D. Parry and Charlton W. Yingling


Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Defining passive galaxy samples and searching for the UV upturn, S. Phillipps, S. S. Ali, M. N. Bremer, R. de Propris, A. E. Sansom, M. E. Cluver, M. Alpaslan, S. Brough, M. J.I. Brown, L. J.M. Davies, S. P. Driver, M. W. Grootes, Benne W. Holwerda, A. M. Hopkins, P. A. James, K. Pimbblet, A. S.G. Robotham, E. N. Taylor, and L. Wang


Orientation: Seeing and Sensing Rhetorically, Megan Poole


A New Paradigm for Improving Race Relations, Teresa Reed


Re-evaluating the strength of pit-latrine Faecal sludge from dynamic cone penetrometer test data, Yasmine Shafiq, Stuart Haigh, Rochelle Holm, and Alison Parker


Artificial Stupidity: Data We Need to Make Machines Our Equals, Michaël Trazzi and Roman V. Yampolskiy


Friendship for the Flawed: A Cynical and Pessimistic Theory of Friendship, Glenn "Boomer" Mac Trujillo


Galaxy and mass assembly: Luminosity and stellar mass functions in GAMA groups, J. A. Vazquez-Mata, J. Loveday, S. D. Riggs, I. K. Baldry, L. J.M. Davies, A. S.G. Robotham, Benne W. Holwerda, M. J.I. Brown, M. E. Cluver, L. Wang, M. Alpaslan, J. Bland-Hawthorn, S. Brough, S. P. Driver, A. M. Hopkins, E. N. Taylor, and A. H. Wright


#CRCFREE: Using Social Media to Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk in Rural Adults, Kaitlin Voigts Key, Adebola Adegboyega, Heather Bush, Mollie Aleshire, Omar A. Contreras, and Jennifer Hatcher


The Mystery of Missing Marvin: Determining the Alumni Status of a Century-Old Student, Marcus Walker


Real Talk: Librarian Perceptions of the Professional Conversation on Information Literacy Assessment, Amber Willenborg, Robert Detmering, and Samantha McClellan


A Foot in Both Worlds: Current Roles and Challenges of Academic Online Learning Librarians, Amber Willenborg and Tessa Withorn


Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): A WISE study of the activity of emission-line systems in G23, H. F.M. Yao, T. H. Jarrett, M. E. Cluver, L. Marchetti, Edward N. Taylor, M. G. Santos, Matt S. Owers, Angel R. Lopez-Sanchez, Y. A. Gordon, M. J.I. Brown, S. Brough, S. Phillipps, Benne Holwerda, A. M. Hopkins, and L. Wang

Submissions from 2019


Mining semantic knowledge graphs to add explainability to black box recommender systems, Mohammed Alshammari, Olfa Nasraoui, and Scott Sanders


Long-term trajectories of human civilization, Seth D. Baum, Stuart Armstrong, Timoteus Ekenstedt, Olle Häggström, Robin Hanson, Karin Kuhlemann, Matthijs M. Maas, James D. Miller, Markus Salmela, Anders Sandberg, Kaj Sotala, Phil Torres, Alexey Turchin, and Roman V. Yampolskiy


Emergence of addictive behaviors in reinforcement learning agents, Vahid Behzadan, Roman Yampolskiy, and Arslan Munir


The Super Eight Galaxies: Properties of a Sample of Very Bright Galaxies at 7 < z < 8, Joanna S. Bridge, Benne W. Holwerda, Mauro Stefanon, Rychard J. Bouwens, Pascal A. Oesch, Michele Trenti, Stephanie R. Bernard, Larry D. Bradley, Garth D. Illingworth, Samir Kusmic, Dan Magee, Takahiro Morishita, Guido W. Roberts-Borsani, Renske Smit, and Rebecca L. Steele


“I Didn’t Want to Make Them Feel Wrong in Any Way”: Preservice Teachers Craft Digital Feedback on Sociopolitical Perspectives in Student Texts, James S. Chisholm, Alison Heron-Hruby, and Andrea R. Olinger


SeER: An Explainable Deep Learning MIDI-based Hybrid Song Recommender System, Khalil Damak and Olfa Nasraoui


Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Environmental quenching of centrals and satellites in groups, L. J.M. Davies, A. S.G. Robotham, C. Del P. Lagos, S. P. Driver, A. R.H. Stevens, Y. M. Bahé, M. Alpaslan, M. N. Bremer, M. J.I. Brown, S. Brough, J. Bland-Hawthorn, L. Cortese, P. Elahi, M. W. Grootes, Benne W. Holwerda, A. D. Ludlow, S. McGee, M. Owers, and S. Phillipps


Crystal structure of the mitochondrial protein mitoNEET bound to a benze-sulfonide ligand, Werner J. Geldenhuys, Timothy E. Long, Pushkar Saralkar, Toshio Iwasaki, Raisa A. A. Nunez, Rajesh R. Nair, Mary E. Konkle, Mark V. Pinti, Michael Menze, John M. Hollander, Lori A. Hazlehurst, and Aaron R. Robart


The dependence of intrinsic alignment of galaxies on wavelength using KiDS and GAMA, Christos Georgiou, Harry Johnston, Henk Hoekstra, Massimo Viola, Konrad Kuijken, Benjamin Joachimi, Nora Elisa Chisari, Daniel J. Farrow, Hendrik Hildebrandt, Benne W. Holwerda, and Arun Kannawadi


Shakespeare and Experimental American Poetry, Alan Golding


Non-English Materials for the English Speaker : European Languages, Erin Gow


An Explainable Autoencoder For Collaborative Filtering Recommendation, Pegah Sagheb Haghighi, Olurotimi Seton, and Olfa Nasraoui


Kenneth Burke at the MoMA: A Viewer’s Theory, Debra Hawhee and Megan Poole


Default parallels: The science potential of JWST parallel observations during TSO primary observations, Benne W. Holwerda, Jonathan Fraine, Nelly Mouawad, and Joanna S. Bridge


The frequency of dust lanes in edge-on spiral galaxies identified by galaxy Zoo in KiDS Imaging of GAMA Targets, Benne W. Holwerda, Lee Kelvin, Ivan Baldry, Chris Lintott, Mehmet Alpaslan, Kevin A. Pimbblet, Jochen Liske, Thomas Kitching, Steven Bamford, Jelte De Jong, Maciej Bilicki, Andrew Hopkins, Joanna Bridge, R. Steele, A. Jacques, S. Goswami, S. Kusmic, W. Roemer, S. Kruk, C. C. Popescu, K. Kuijken, L. Wang, and A. Wright


Defining Translinguality, Bruce Horner and Sara P. Alvarez


Drinking water quality and human dimensions of cholera patients to inform evidence-based prevention investment in Karonga District, Malawi, Prince Kaponda, Suresh Muthukrishnan, Rory Barber, and Rochelle H. Holm


Black Hawk in Translation: Indigenous Critique and Liberal Guilt in the 1847 Dutch Edition of Life of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak, Frank Kelderman


Na’hjeNing’e’s Rivers Indigenous Maps, Diplomacy, and the Writing of Ioway Space, Frank Kelderman


Food safety policies and practices in public spaces: The urban water, sanitation, and hygiene environment for fresh fish sold from individual vendors in Mzuzu, Malawi, Jazimoni Lazaro, Fanuel Kapute, and Rochelle H. Holm


ASKAP commissioning observations of the GAMA 23 field, Denis A. Leahy, A. M. Hopkins, R. P. Norris, J. Marvil, J. D. Collier, E. N. Taylor, J. R. Allison, C. Anderson, M. Bell, M. Bilicki, J. Bland-Hawthorn, S. Brough, M. J.I. Brown, S. Driver, G. Gurkan, L. Harvey-Smith, I. Heywood, Benne W. Holwerda, J. Liske, A. R. Lopez-Sanchez, D. McConnell, A. Moffett, M. S. Owers, K. A. Pimbblet, W. Raja, N. Seymour, M. A. Voronkov, and L. Wang


Structural Properties and Cellular Expression of AfrLEA6, a Group 6 Late Embryogenesis Abundant Protein from Embryos of Artemia franciscana, Blase M. LeBlanc, Mike T. Le, Brett Janis, Michael Menze, and Steven C. Hand


Agent-based modelling for simulation-based design of sustainable faecal sludge management systems, Adrian Mallory, Martin Crapper, and Rochelle H. Holm


The Intermedial Politics of Handwritten Newspapers in the 19th-Century U.S., Mark A. Mattes


Can a precast pit latrine concrete floor withstand emptying operations? An investigation from Malawi, Joshua McHenga and Rochelle H. Holm


Quantum metalanguage and the new cognitive synthesis, Alexey V. Melkikh, Andrei Khrennikov, and Roman V. Yampolskiy


Researching the Legal History of Santa Claus, Kurt Metzmeier


Do rope and washer pumps provide safe water and satisfied users? A case study piloting new rural water supply technology in Rumphi District, Malawi, Jacob C. Mkandawire, Mavuto Tembo, Muthi Nhlema, Joel Luhanga, and Rochelle H. Holm


Star-forming, rotating spheroidal galaxies in the GAMA and SAMI surveys, Amanda J. Moffett, Steven Phillipps, Aaron S.G. Robotham, Simon P. Driver, Malcolm N. Bremer, Luca Cortese, O. Ivy Wong, Sarah Brough, Michael J.I. Brown, Julia J. Bryant, Christopher J. Conselice, Scott M. Croom, Koshy George, Greg Goldstein, Michael Goodwin, Benne W. Holwerda, Andrew M. Hopkins, Iraklis S. Konstantopoulos, Jon S. Lawrence, Nuria P.F. Lorente, Anne M. Medling, Matt S. Owers, Kevin A. Pimbblet, Samuel N. Richards, Sarah M. Sweet, and Jesse Van De Sande


Opposition to Abortion, Then and Now: How Amicus Briefs Use Policy Frames in Abortion Litigation, Laura Moyer, Alyson Hendricks-Benton, and Megan Balcom


Galaxy classification: A machine learning analysis of GAMA catalogue data, Aleke Nolte, Lingyu Wang, Maciej Bilicki, Benne W. Holwerda, and Michael Biehl


Happiness and healthiness: A replication study, Kobena Osam, Brad Shuck, and Jason Immekus


Effect of galaxy mergers on star-formation rates, W. J. Pearson, L. Wang, M. Alpaslan, I. Baldry, M. Bilicki, M. J.I. Brown, M. W. Grootes, Benne W. Holwerda, T. D. Kitching, S. Kruk, and F. F.S. Van Der Tak


Development and implementation of an LGBT initiative at a health sciences library: the first eighteen months, Jessica Petrey


Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Time-scales for galaxies crossing the green valley, S. Phillipps, M. N. Bremer, A. M. Hopkins, R. De Propris, E. N. Taylor, P. A. James, L. J.M. Davies, M. E. Cluver, S. P. Driver, S. A. Eales, Benne W. Holwerda, L. S. Kelvin, and A. E. Sansom


The Structural Dimensions of Race: Lock Ups, Systemic Chokeholds, and Binary Disruptions, Cedric Merlin Powell


Dismantling Structural Inequality: Lock Ups, Systemic Chokeholds, and Race-Based Policing - A Symposium Summary, Cedric Merlin Powell and Laura R. McNeal


New insights into anhydrobiosis using cellular dielectrophoresis-based characterization, Mohamed Z. Rashed, Clinton J. Belott, Brett R. Janis, Michael Menze, and Stuart J. Williams


Debiasing the Human-Recommender System Feedback Loop in Collaborative Filtering, Wenlong Sun, Sami Khenissi, Olfa Nasraoui, and Patrick Shafto


Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) “Remission” in Non-bariatric Patients 65 Years and Older, Srikanth Tangelloju, Bert B. Little, Robert J. Esterhay, Guy Brock, and A. Scott LaJoie


Sincere Exchanges, Not Fabricated Neutrality: A Response to Mark Piper, Glenn "Boomer" Mac Trujillo


Delivery, Facilitas, and Copia : job market preparation and the revival of the fifth canon., Joseph Turner


Reproducible k-means clustering in galaxy feature data from the GAMA survey, Sebastian Turner, Lee S. Kelvin, Ivan K. Baldry, Paulo J. Lisboa, Steven N. Longmore, Chris A. Collins, Benne W. Holwerda, Andrew M. Hopkins, and Jochen Liske


Modeling the Dynamics of the Supply of Registered Thoroughbred Foals and Animal Health, Steven S. Vickner Ph.D.


Modeling the Determinants of Equestrian Sport Medal Shares in the Olympic Games, Steven S. Vickner Ph.D. and David Hess MSBA


Third Time's the Charm: The History of the Merger Between the University of Louisville and Jefferson Schools of Law, Marcus Walker


Plasma cysteine/cystine and glutathione/glutathione disulfide redox potentials in HIV and COPD patients., Walter H. Watson, Jeffrey D. Ritzenthaler, Paula Peyrani, Timothy L. Wiemken, Stephen P. Furmanek, Andrea Reyes-Vega, Tom J. Burke, Yuxuan Zheng, Julio A. Ramirez, and Jesse Roman


The eQuality Toolkit: Practical Skills for LGBTQ and DSD-Affected Patient Care, Laura Weingartner, Emily Noonan, Amy Holthouser, Jennifer Potter, Stacie Steinbock, Suzanne Kingery, and Susan Sawning


A Seat at the Table: Information Literacy Assessment and Professional Legitimacy, Amber Willenborg, Robert Detmering, and Samantha McClellan


Personal Universes: A Solution to the Multi-Agent Value Alignment Problem, Roman V. Yampolskiy


Towards AI welfare science and policies, Soenke Ziesche and Roman Yampolskiy