This collection includes faculty and staff scholarship from the University of Louisville. For more information about what types of scholarship may be included, please see our Collection Policy.
Submissions from 2005
Strategies for universal prevention of depression in adolescents., Patrick Possel
Influence of general self-efficacy on the effects of a school-based universal primary prevention program of depressive symptoms in adolescents : a randomized and controlled follow-up study., Patrick Pössel, Christiane Baldus, Andrea B. Horn, Gunter Groen, and Martin Hautzinger
Verhaltensbeurteilung durch Gleichaltrige. Uebersetzung und Evaluierung der Adjustment Scales for Sociometric Evaluation of Secondary-School Students (ASSESS-D) [Peer rating of behavior. Translation and evaluation of the Adjustment Scales for Sociometric Evaluation of Secondary-School Students (ASSESS-D)]., Patrick Pössel, Ulrike von Dellemann, and Martin Hautzinger
Submissions from 2004
An Emergency Department Staff Tackles the Healthy Workplace Initiative : A Staff Nurse Perspective., Paul Clark
Trade integration and political turbulence : environmental policy consequences., Per G. Fredriksson and Muthukumara Mani
Congressional actions and public reactions., Jason Gainous
Success at every stage: Web sites for a career in academic librarianship, Melissa Laning and Margo Smith
An essay on the work of composition : composing English against the order of fast capitalism., Min-Zhan Lu
Übersetzungs- und Validierung der deutschen Version des "Teenage Inventory of Social Skills" (TISS-D) [Translation and validation of the German "Teenage Inventory of Social Skills" (TISS-G)]., Patrick Pössel and Bettina Häußer
School-based prevention of depressive symptoms in adolescents : a 6-month follow-up., Patrick Pössel, Andrea B. Horn, Gunter Groen, and Martin Hautzinger
An analysis of entry-level librarian ads published in American Libraries, 1982-2002., Claudene Sproles and David Ratledge
Submissions from 2003
Statistically challenged: The need for an electronic resources management standard, Tyler Goldberg, Melissa Laning, and Weiling Liu
Universelle, schulbasierte Prävention der Depression im Jugendalter : Ergebnisse einer Follow-Up-Studie (Universal, school-based prevention of depression in adolescence : results of a follow-up study)., Gunter Groen, Patrick Pössel, Susanne Al-Wiswasi, and Franz Petermann
Dysthymia and major depression : distinct conditions or different stages along a one-dimensional continuum?, Patrick Pössel
Prävention von Depression bei Kindern und Jugendlichen (Prevention of depression in children and adolescents)., Patrick Pössel and Martin Hautzinger
Erste Ergebnisse eines Programms zur schulbasierten Prävention von depressiven Symptomen bei Jugendlichen (First results of a school-based prevention program of depressive symptoms among adolescents)., Patrick Pössel, Andrea B. Horn, and Martin Hautzinger
Ritual and roles for women in Werewere Liking's L'Amour-cent-vies., Ann Elizabeth Willey
Never Let the Truth Stand in the Way of a Good Story: A Work for Three Voices, Bronwyn T. Williams
Submissions from 2002
Is there a woman's perspective? : an exploration of gender differences along republican and conservative lines., Jason Gainous
Why does voting get so complicated? : a review of theories for analyzing democratic participation., Jeff Gill and Jason Gainous
English only and U.S. college composition., Bruce Horner and John Trimbur
Spinnen-Angst-Fragebogen (SAF) Validierung der deutschen Version des "Fear of Spiders Questionnaire" (FSQ)., Patrick Pössel and Martin Hautzinger
Submissions from 2001
The politics of the personal : storying our lives against the grain., Deborah Brandt, Ellen Cushman, Anne Ruggles Gere, Anne Herrington, Richard E. Miller, Victor Villanueva, Min-Zhan Lu, and Gesa Kirsch
“Students’ right,” English only, and re-imagining the politics of language., Bruce Horner
Binding of urate and caffeine to hemocyanin analyzed by isothermal titration calorimetry., Michael Menze, Nadja Hellmann, Heinz Decker, and Manfred Grieshaber
Reflections on a Shimmering Screen: Television’s Relationship to Writing Pedagogies, Bronwyn Williams
Submissions from 2000
Traditions and professionalization : reconceiving work in composition., Bruce Horner
Recipe for disaster or formula for success? Creating and assessing a large scale collaborative library introduction exercise for honors students, Anna Marie Johnson and Melissa Laning
Expectations, interpretations and contributions of basic writing., Min-Zhan Lu and Bruce Horner
Binding of urate and caffeine to hemocyanin of the lobster Homarus vulgaris (E.) as studied by isothermal titration calorimetry., Michael Menze, Nadja Hellmann, Heinz Decker, and Manfred Grieshaber
Submissions from 1999
Redefining the literate self : the politics of cultural affirmation., Min-Zhan Lu
Review : life writing as social acts., Min-Zhan Lu and Elizabeth Robertson
Submissions from 1998
The problematic of experience : redefining critical work in ethnography and pedagogy., Min-Zhan Lu and Bruce Horner
Submissions from 1997
Language of the law: The special role and trademarks, trade names, and other trade emblems., John T. Cross
Students, authorship, and the work of composition., Bruce Horner
Madness and the Middle Passage : Warner-Vierya's Juletane as a paradigm for writing Caribbean women's identities., Ann Elizabeth Willey
Submissions from 1996
Discoursing basic writing., Bruce Horner
Submissions from 1994
Mapping errors and expectations for basic writing : from the "frontier field" to "border country"., Bruce Horner
Professing multiculturalism : the politics of style in the contact zone., Min-Zhan Lu
Submissions from 1993
Specifying grounds for judicial disqualification in federal courts., Leslie W. Abramson
Symposium on basic writing, conflict and struggle, and the legacy of Mina Shaughnessy., Patricia Laurence, Peter Rondinone, Barbara Gleason, Thomas J. Farrell, Paul Hunter, and Min-Zhan Lu
Submissions from 1992
A pedagogy of struggle : the use of cultural dissonance., Min-Zhan Lu
Conflict and struggle : the enemies of preconditions of basic writing?, Min-Zhan Lu
Submissions from 1991
Redefining the legacy of Mina Shaughnessy : a critique of the politics of linguistic innocence., Min-Zhan Lu
Submissions from 1987
The Acetate Negative Survey, David G. Horvath
From silence to words : writing as struggle., Min-Zhan Lu
Submissions from 1986
A century of Negro education in Louisville, Kentucky., George D. Wilson
Submissions from 1981
Policy alternatives in Soviet environmental protection., Charles E. Ziegler