This collection includes faculty and staff scholarship from the University of Louisville. For more information about what types of scholarship may be included, please see our Collection Policy.
Submissions from 2013
Translingual literacy, language difference, and matters of agency., Min-Zhan Lu and Bruce Horner
Civic education and democratic capacity : how do teachers teach and what works?, Allison M. Martens and Jason Gainous
Mitochondrial energetics of benthic and pelagic Antarctic teleosts., Eloy Martinez, Michael A. Menze, and Joseph J. Torres
Improved tolerance to salt and water stress in Drosophila melanogaster cells conferred by late embryogenesis abundant protein., Matthew Marunde, Dilini Samarajeewa, John Anderson, Shumin Li, Steven Hand, and Michael Menze
The role of transcendence in a holistic view of successful aging : a concept analysis and model of transcendence in maturation and aging., Valerie Lander McCarthy and Amanda Bockweg
The role of self-transcendence : a missing variable in the pursuit of successful aging?, Valerie Lander McCarthy, Jiying Ling, and Robert M. Carini
The Old Man of the Internet:, and the Promise of Online Legislative Research Fulfilled, Kurt Metzmeier
Hopelessness the ‘active ingredient’? : associations of hopelessness and depressive symptoms with Interleukin-6., Amanda M. Mitchell, Patrick Pössel, Elaine Sjögren, and Margareta Kristenson
Testing galaxy formation models with the GHOSTS survey : the color profile of M81's stellar halo., Antonela Monachesi, Eric F. Bell, David J. Radburn-Smith, Marija Vlajic, Roelof S. de Jong, Jeremy Bailin, Julianne J. Dalcanton, Benne W. Holwerda, and David Streich
Rethinking critical mass in the federal appellate courts., Laura Moyer
The value of precedent : appellate briefs and judicial opinions in the U.S. courts of appeals., Laura P. Moyer, Todd A. Collins, and Susan B. Haire
The impact of bars on disk breaks as probed by S4G imaging., Juan Carlos Munoz-Mateos, Kartik Sheth, Armando Gil de Paz, Sharon Meidt, E. Athanassoula, Albert Bosma, Sebastien Comeron, Debra M. Elmegreen, Bruce G. Elmegreen, Santiago Erroz-Ferrer, Dimitri A. Gadotti, Joannah L. Hinz, Luis C. Ho, Benne W. Holwerda, Thomas H. Jarrett, Taehyun Kim, Johan H. Knapen, Jarkko Laine, Eija Laurikainen, Barry F. Madore, Karin Menendez-Delmestre, Trisha Mizusawa, Michael Regan, Heikki Salo, Eva Schinnerer, Mark Seibert, Ramin Skibba, and Dennis Zaritsky
Emission-line galaxies from the Hubble space telescope Probing Evolution and Reionization Spectroscopically (PEARS) grism survey. II. The complete sample., N. Pirzkal, Barry Rothberg, Chun Ly, Sangeeta Malhotra, James E. Rhoads, Norman A. Grogin, Tomas Dahlen, Kai G. Noeske, Gerhardt R. Meurer, Jeremy R. Walsh, Nimish P. Hathi, Seth H. Cohen, Andrea Bellini, Benne W. Holwerda, Amber N. Straughn, Matthew Mechtley, and Rogier A. Windhorst
Assessing depression in cancer patients : a longitudinal comparison of three questionnaires., Patrick Possel and Kerstin Knopf
A randomized controlled trial of a cognitive-behavioral program for the prevention of depression in adolescents compared to nonspecific and no-intervention control conditions., Patrick Pössel, Nina C. Martin, Judy Garber, and Martin Hautzinger
Teaching behaviour and well-being in students : development and concurrent validity of an instrument to measure student-reported teaching behaviour., Patrick Possel, Kathleen Moritz Rudasill, Jill L. Adelson, Annie C. Bjerg, Don T. Wooldridge, and Stephanie Winkeljohn Black
Associations between teacher emotional support and depressive symptoms in Australian adolescents : a 5-year longitudinal study., Patrick Pössel, Kathleen Moritz Rudasill, Michael G. Sawyer, Susan H. Spence, and Annie C. Bjerg
Identification of disufide bond formation between MitoNEET and Glutamate dehydrogenase 1., Morgan Roberts, Jacquelyn Crail, Megan Laffoon, William Fernandez, Michael Menze, and Mary Konkle
Reading and critiquing : an analysis of talk about strong books for girls., Renita Schmidt, Amanda Thein, and Kathryn F. Whitmore
Physical activity for rural, low-income children., Amber Todd, Jason Rice, and Kristi King
HERschel Observations of Edge-on Spirals (HEROES) I. Far-infrared morphology and dust mass determination., J. Verstappen, J. Fritz, M. Baes, M. W. L. Smith, F. Allaert, S. Bianchi, J. A. D. L. Blommaert, G. De Geyter, I. De Looze, G. Gentile, K. D. Gordon, Benne W. Holwerda, S. Viaene, and E. M. Xilouris
A bridge over troubled waters : jazz, diaspora discourse, and E. B. Dongala's "Jazz and palm wine" as response to Amiri Baraka's "Answers in progress"., Ann Elizabeth Willey
The combined effects of self-referent information processing and ruminative responses on adolescent depression., Stephanie Winkeljohn Black and Patrick Pössel
Efficiency Theory: a Unifying Theory for Information, Computation and Intelligence, Roman V. Yampolskiy
Turing test as a defining feature of AI-completeness, Roman V. Yampolskiy
No One Who Reads the History of Hayti Can Doubt the Capacity of Colored Men: Racial Formation and Atlantic Rehabilitation in New York City's Early Black Press, 1827-1841, Charlton W. Yingling
Job Embeddedness Theory: Can It Help Explain Employee Retention Among Extension Agents?, Jeffery A. Young, James Stone, Oscar Aliaga, and Brad Shuck
On the origin of lopsidedness in galaxies as determined from the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G)., Dennis Zaritsky, Heikki Salo, Eija Laurikainen, Debra M. Elmegreen, E. Athanassoula, Albert Bosma, Sebastien Comeron, Santiago Erroz-Ferrer, Bruce G. Elmegreen, Dimitri A. Gadotti, Armando Gil de Paz, Joannah L. Hinz, Luis C. Ho, Benne W. Holwerda, Taehyun Kim, Johan H. Knapen, Jarkko Laine, Seppo Laine, Barry F. Madore, Sharon Meidt, Karin Menendez-Delmestre, Trisha Mizusawa, Juan Carlos Munoz-Mateos, Michael W. Regan, Mark Seibert, and Kartik Sheth
Central Asia, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and American foreign policy : from indifference to engagement., Charles E. Ziegler
Submissions from 2012
Review of "Jews in the Early Modern Imagination: A Scattered Nation", S. Matthew Biberman
Metabolic preconditioning of mammalian cells : mimetic agents for hypoxia lack fidelity in promoting phosphorylation of Pyruvate dehydrogenase., Apurva Borcar, Michael Menze, Mehmet Toner, and Steven Hand
The brightest of reionizing galaxies survey : constraints on the bright end of the z ~ 8 luminosity function., L. D. Bradley, M. Trenti, P. A. Oesch, M. Stiavelli, T. Treu, R. J. Bouwens, J. M. Shull, Benne W. Holwerda, and N. Pirzkal
Trehalose transporter from African chironomid larvae improves desiccation tolerance of Chinese hamster ovary cells., Nilay Chakraborty, Michael Menze, Heidi Elmoazzen, Halong Vu, Martin Yarmush, Steven Hand, and Mehmet Toner
Investigating and improving medical education and library resources at the Tamale Teaching Hospital in Northern Ghana : a case report., John Chenault
Secondary traumatic stress and supervisors : the forgotten victims., Crystal Collins-Camargo
Breaks in thin and thick disks of edge-on galaxies imaged in the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G)., Sebastien Comeron, Bruce G. Elmegreen, Heikki Salo, Eija Laurikainen, E. Athanassoula, Albert Bosma, Johan H. Knapen, Dimitri A. Gadotti, Kartik Sheth, Joannah L. Hinz, Michael W. Regan, Armando Gil de Paz, Juan Carlos Munoz-Mateos, Karin Menendez-Delmestre, Mark Seibert, Taehyun Kim, Trisha Mizusawa, Jarkko Laine, Luis C. Ho, and Benne W. Holwerda
"Research papers have always seemed very daunting" : information literacy narratives and the student research experience., Robert Detmering and Anna Marie Johnson
Forget the desk job : current roles and responsibilities in entry-level reference job advertisements., Robert Detmering and Claudene Sproles
Moderate-Intensity Exercise Improves Body Composition and Improves Physiological Markers of Stress in HIV-Infected Men, Wesley Dudgeon, Jason R. Jaggers, Kenneth D. Phillips, Larry Durstine, Stephanie Burgess, George William Lyerly, John Mark Davis, and Gregory Alan Hand
Are Auditors' Going-Concern Evaluations More Useful after SOX?, Benjamin P. Foster and Terry J. Ward
Recent History Provides Sustainable African Water Quality Project Insight, Rochelle H. Holm
Herschel/SPIRE observations of the dusty disk of NGC 4244., Benne W. Holwerda, S. Bianchi, T. Boker, D. Radburn-Smith, R. S. de Jong, M. Baes, P. C. van der Kruit, M. Xilouris, K. D. Gordon, and J. J. Dalcanton
Evolution in the dust lane fraction of edge-on L*v spiral galaxies since z = 0.8., Benne W. Holwerda, J. J. Dalcanton, D. Radburn-Smith, R. S. de Jong, P. Guhathakurta, A. Koekemoer, R. J. Allen, and T. Boker
Quantified H I morphology : VI. The morphology of extended discs in UV and H I., Benne W. Holwerda, N. Pirzkal, and J. S. Heiner
Creating a sustainable partnership : information literacy instruction for an honors program first-year orientation., Anna Marie Johnson
Learning visual features for the avatar Captcha recognition challenge, Mohammed Korayem, Abdallah A. Mohamed, David Crandall, and Roman Yampolskiy
Late embryogenesis abundant proteins protect human hepatoma cells during acute desiccation., Shumin Li, Nilay Chakraborty, Apurva Borcar, Michael Menze, Mehmet Toner, and Steven Hand
Measuring ambivalence about government in the 2006 ANES Pilot Study., Michael D. Martinez, Jason Gainous, and Stephen C. Craig
A unified picture of breaks and truncations in spiral galaxies from SDSS and S4G imaging., Ignacio Martin-Navarro, Judit Bakos, Ignacio Trujillo, Johan H. Knapen, E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma, Sebastien Comeron, Bruce G. Elmegreen, Santiago Erroz-Ferrer, Dimitri A. Gadotti, Armando Gil de Paz, Joannah L. Hinz, Luis C. Ho, Benne W. Holwerda, Taehyun Kim, Jarkko Laine, Eija Laurikainen, Karin Menendez-Delmestre, Trisha Mizusawa, Juan Carlos Munoz-Mateos, Michael W. Regan, Heikki Salo, Mark Seibert, and Kartik Sheth
Multisite recruitment and data collection among older adults : exploring methods to conserve human and financial resources., Valerie Lander McCarthy and Karen Cassidy
Development of embedded CAPTCHA elements for bot prevention in Fischer random chess, Ryan McDaniel and Roman V. Yampolskiy
The S4G perspective on circumstellar dust extinction of asymptotic giant branch stars in M100., Sharon Meidt, Eva Schinnerer, Juan Carlos Munoz-Mateos, Benne W. Holwerda, Luis C. Ho, Barry F. Madore, Johan H. Knapen, Albert Bosma, E. Athanassoula, Joannah L. Hinz, Kartik Sheth, Michael Regan, Armando Gil de Paz, Karin Menendez-Delmestre, Mark Seibert, Taehyun Kim, Trisha Mizusawa, Dimitri A. Gadotti, Eija Laurikainen, Heikki Salo, Jarkko Laine, and Sebastien Comeron
Examining associations between classroom environment and processes and early mathematics performance from pre-kindergarten to kindergarten., Victoria J. Molfese, Todd Brown, Jill L. Adelson, Jennifer Beswick, Jill Jacobi-Vessels, Lana Thomas, Melissa Ferguson, and Brittany Culver
The role of case complexity in judicial decision making., Laura P. Moyer
Judicial innovation and sexual harassment doctrine in the U.S. court of appeals., Laura P. Moyer and Holley Takersley
Prisoners Teaching ESL: A Learning Community among “Language Partners”, Andrea R. Olinger, Hugh Bishop, Jose R. Cabrales, Rebecca Ginsburg, Joseph L. Mapp, Orlando Mayorga, Erick Nava, Elfego Nunez, Otilio Rosas, Andre D. Slater, LuAnn Sorenson, Jim Sosnowski, and Agustin Torres
Long-term survival of Anoxia despite rapid ATP decline in embryos of the annual killifish Austrofundulus limnaeus., Jason Podrabsky, Michael Menze, and Steven Hand
Depression as a risk factor for breast cancer : investigating methodological limitations in the literature., Patrick Pössel, Erica Adams, and Jeffrey C. Valentine
Outer-disk populations in NGC 7793 : evidence for stellar radial migration., David J. Radburn-Smith, Rok Roskar, Victor P. Debattista, Julianne J. Dalcanton, David Streich, Roelof S. de Jong, Marija Vlajic, Benne W. Holwerda, Chris W. Purcell, Andrew E. Dolphin, and Daniel B. Zucker
The University of Louisville Photographic Archives : the first fifty years., Elizabeth E. Reilly
Managing Employees’ Use of Mobile Technologies to Minimize Work-Life Balance Impacts, Suprateek Sarker, Saonee Sarker, Xiao Xiao, and Manju Ahuja
Sir Gawain and the green knight and the history of medieval rhetoric., Joseph Turner
Wim Klooster, Gert Oostindie (eds.), Curaçao in the Age of Revolutions, 1795-1800, Charlton W. Yingling
Submissions from 2011
Cacophony or empowerment? : analyzing the impact of new information communication technologies and new social media in Southeast Asia., Jason P. Abbott
Recent Archaeological Survey and Excavation Around the Greater Kalokol Area, West Side of Lake Turkana: Preliminary Findings, Amanuel Beyin
Upper Pleistocene human dispersals out of Africa: A Review of the current state of the debate, Amanuel Beyin
Spin-Drying technique for lyopreservation of mammalian cells., Nilay Chakraborty, Anthony Chang, Heidi Elmoazzen, Michael Menze, Steven Hand, and Mehmet Toner
Cryopreservation of spin-dried mammalian cells., Nilay Chakraborty, Michael Menze, Jason Malsam, Alptekin Aksan, Steven Hand, and Mehmet Toner
Thick disks of edge-on galaxies seen through the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G) : lair of missing baryons?, Sebastien Comeron, Bruce G. Elmegreen, Johan H. Knapen, Heikki Salo, Eija Laurikainen, Jarkko Laine, E. Athanassoula, Albert Bosma, Kartik Sheth, Michael W. Regan, Joannah L. Hinz, Armando Gil de Paz, Karin Menendez-Delmestre, Trisha Mizusawa, Juan Carlos Munoz-Mateos, Mark Seibert, Taehyun Kim, Debra M. Elmegreen, Dimitri A. Gadotti, Luis C. Ho, Benne W. Holwerda, Jani Lappalainen, Eva Schinnerer, and Ramin Skibba
The unusual vertical mass distribution of NGC 4013 seen through the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G)., Sebastien Comeron, Bruce G. Elmegreen, Johan H. Knapen, Kartik Sheth, Joannah L. Hinz, Michael W. Regan, Armando Gil de Paz, Juan Carlos Munoz-Mateos, Karin Menendez-Delmestre, Mark Seibert, Taehyun Kim, Trisha Mizusawa, Eija Laurikainen, Heikki Salo, Jarkko Laine, E. Athanassoula, Albert Bosma, Ronald J. Buta, Dimitri A. Gadotti, Luis C. Ho, Benne W. Holwerda, Eva Schinnerer, and Dennis Zaritsky
The thick disk in the galaxy NGC 4244 from S4G imaging., Sebastien Comeron, Johan H. Knapen, Kartik Sheth, Michael Regan, Joannah L. Hinz, Armando Gil de Paz, Karin Menendez-Delmestre, Juan Carlos Munoz-Mateos, Mark Seibert, Taehyun Kim, E. Athanassoula, Albert Bosma, Ronald J. Buta, Bruce G. Elmegreen, Luis C. Ho, Benne W. Holwerda, Eija Laurikainen, Heikki Salo, and Eva Schinnerer
On the need for embodied and dis-embodied cognition, Guy Dove
Mentoring, Career Plateau Tendencies, Turnover Intentions And Implications For Narrowing Pay And Position Gaps Due To Gender Structural Equations Modeling, Benjamin P. Foster, Subhash Lonial, and Trimbak Shastri
Metabolic restructuring during energy-limited states : insights from Artemia franciscana embryos and other animals., Steven Hand, Michael Menze, Apu Borcar, Yuvraj Patil, Joseph Covi, Julie Reynolds, and Mehmet Toner
LEA proteins during water stress : not just for plants anymore., Steven Hand, Michael Menze, Mehmet Toner, Leaf Boswell, and Daniel Moore
Quantified H I morphology – III. Merger visibility times from H I in galaxy simulations., Benne W. Holwerda, N. Pirzkal, T. J. Cox, W. J. G. de Blok, J. Weniger, A. Bouchard, S. -L. Blyth, and K. J. van der Heyden
Quantified H i morphology – IV. The merger fraction and rate in WHISP., Benne W. Holwerda, N. Pirzkal, W. J. G. de Blok, A. Bouchard, S. -L. Blyth, and K. J. van der Heyden
Quantified H I morphology – II. Lopsidedness and interaction in WHISP column density maps., Benne W. Holwerda, N. Pirzkal, W. J. G. de Blok, A. Bouchard, S. -L. Blyth, K. J. van der Heyden, and E. C. Elson
Quantified H i morphology – I. Multi-wavelength analysis of the THINGS galaxies., Benne W. Holwerda, N. Pirzkal, W. J. G. de Blok, A. Bouchard, S. -L. Blyth, K. J. van der Heyden, and E. C. Elson
Quantified H i morphology – V. H i discs in the Virgo cluster., Benne W. Holwerda, N. Pirzkal, W. J. G. de Blok, and W. van Driel
Relocating basic writing., Bruce Horner
Language difference in writing : toward a translingual approach., Bruce Horner, Min-Zhan Lu, Jacqueline Jones Royster, and John Trimbur
Toward a multilingual composition scholarship : from English only to a translingual norm., Bruce Horner, Samantha NeCamp, and Christiane Donahue
The born-digital deluge : documenting twenty-first century events., Rachel Howard, Heather Fox, and Caroline Daniels
A new look at successful aging : exploring a mid-range nursing theory among older adults in a low-income retirement community., Valerie Lander McCarthy
Metabolic preconditioning of cells with AICAR-riboside : improved cryopreservation and cell-type specific impacts on energetics and proliferation., Michael Menze, Nilay Chakraborty, Matthew Clavenna, Mitali Banerjee, Xiang-Hong Liu, Mehmet Toner, and Steven Hand
Perceptions of heart rate monitor use in high school physical education classes., Julie A. Partridge, Kristi McClary King, and Wei Ban
Can Beck’s theory of depression and the response style theory be integrated?, Patrick Pössel
A randomized trial to evaluate the course of effects of a program to prevent adolescent depressive symptoms over 12 months., Patrick Pössel, Jill L. Adelson, and Martin Hautzinger
Bridging the gaps : an attempt to integrate three major cognitive depression models., Patrick Pössel and Kerstin Knopf
Bidirectional relations of religious orientation and depressive symptoms in adolescents : a short-term longitudinal study., Patrick Pössel, Nina C. Martin, Judy Garber, Aaron W. Banister, Natalie K. Pickering, and Martin Hautzinger
Cognitive triad as mediator in the hopelessness model? : a three-wave longitudinal study., Patrick Pössel and S. Denise Thomas
The GHOSTS survey. I. Hubble space telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys data., D. J. Radburn-Smith, R. S. de Jong, A. C. Seth, J. Bailin, E. F. Bell, T. M. Brown, J. S. Bullock, S. Courteau, J. J. Dalcanton, H. C. Ferguson, P. Goudfrooij, S. Holfeltz, Benne W. Holwerda, C. Purcell, J. Sick, D. Streich, M. Vlajic, and D. B. Zucker
Wikipedia, iPods, and chickens : an active learning exercise to teach evaluation of information., Latisha Reynolds and Anna Marie Johnson
Dancing with Don: Or Waltzing with "Expressivism", Bronwyn Williams
Construction of an NP Problem with an exponential lower bound, Roman V. Yampolskiy
Submissions from 2010
Health and fitness professionals’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors toward dietary supplements., Gina H. Blunt and Kristi M. King
Exploring the political dimensions of information literacy through popular film., Robert Detmering