This collection includes faculty and staff scholarship from the Department of English, in the College of Arts & Sciences. For more information about what types of scholarship may be included, please see our Collection Policy.
Submissions from 2023
Black Elk Faces East: Beb Vuyk, Cultural Translation, and John G. Neihardt's Black Elk Speaks, Frank Kelderman
Submissions from 2022
Cambridge 1629 Anglican Trilogy, Dale B. Billingsley
Colonial Prehistories of Indigenous North America, Mark A. Mattes
Toward an Archaeology of Manuscripts, Mark A. Mattes
Writing Centers, Enclaves, and Creating Spaces of Change Within Universities, Bronwyn T. Williams
Submissions from 2021
Chapter 13: Preparing Graduate Students and Contingent Faculty for Online Writing Instruction: A Responsive and Strategic Approach to Designing Professional Development Opportunities, N. Claire Jackson and Andrea R. Olinger
Self-Contradiction in Faculty's Talk about Writing: Making and Unmaking Autonomous Models of Literacy, Andrea R. Olinger
A Woman’s Optics: Margaret Cavendish, Sensory Mimesis, and Early Modern Rhetorics of Science, Megan Poole
Submissions from 2020
Introduction: On Connection, Diversity, and Resilience in Writing Across the Curriculum, Lesley Erin Bartlett, Sandra L. Tarabochia, Andrea R. Olinger, and Margaret J. Marshall
“It Doesn’t Feel Like a Conversation”: Digital Field Experiences and Preservice Teachers’ Conceptions of Writing Response, Alison Heron-Hruby, James S. Chisholm, and Andrea R. Olinger
Race, American Enlightenment, and the End Times, Mark A. Mattes
Review of When Novels Were Books. By Jordan Alexander Stein., Mark A. Mattes
Orientation: Seeing and Sensing Rhetorically, Megan Poole
Submissions from 2019
“I Didn’t Want to Make Them Feel Wrong in Any Way”: Preservice Teachers Craft Digital Feedback on Sociopolitical Perspectives in Student Texts, James S. Chisholm, Alison Heron-Hruby, and Andrea R. Olinger
Shakespeare and Experimental American Poetry, Alan Golding
Kenneth Burke at the MoMA: A Viewer’s Theory, Debra Hawhee and Megan Poole
Defining Translinguality, Bruce Horner and Sara P. Alvarez
Black Hawk in Translation: Indigenous Critique and Liberal Guilt in the 1847 Dutch Edition of Life of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak, Frank Kelderman
Na’hjeNing’e’s Rivers Indigenous Maps, Diplomacy, and the Writing of Ioway Space, Frank Kelderman
The Intermedial Politics of Handwritten Newspapers in the 19th-Century U.S., Mark A. Mattes
Delivery, Facilitas, and Copia : job market preparation and the revival of the fifth canon., Joseph Turner
Submissions from 2018
Review of "The Accomodated Jew: English antisemitism from Bede to Milton", S. Matthew Biberman
Afterword., Bruce Horner
Translinguality and Disciplinary Reinvention, Bruce Horner
Rock Island Revisited: Black Hawk’s Life, Keokuk’s Oratory, and the Critique of US Indian Policy, Frank Kelderman
Writing in Graduate School: A Found Poem, Andrea R. Olinger
Submissions from 2017
Mobility and academic literacies : an epistolary conversation., Jan Blommaert and Bruce Horner
“She’s Definitely the Artist One”: How Learner Identities Mediate Multimodal Composing, James S. Chisholm and Andrea R. Olinger
Reading, the Academy, and the ‘Soft’ Avant-Garde: Tan Lin’s Heath and Heath Course Pak, Alan Golding
Writing language : composition, the academy, and work., Bruce Horner
Review of Magazines and the Making of America: Modernization, Community, and Print Culture, 1741-1860. By Heather Haveman, Mark A. Mattes
Having a Feel for What Works: Polymedia, Emotion, and Literacy Practices with Mobile Technologies, Bronwyn T. Williams
Popular Culture is Killing Writing, Bronwyn T. Williams
Submissions from 2016
Macro, Micro, Material : Rachel Blau DuPlessis’ Drafts and the Post-Objectivist Serial Poem, Alan Golding
Translation as (Global) Writing, Bruce Horner and Laura Tetreault
Introduction : translingual work., Min-Zhan Lu and Bruce Horner
Ad Hoc American Studies: Michigan and the Hidden History of a Movement, Alexander I. Olson and Frank Kelderman
Optical Impersonality: Science, Images, and Literary Modernism by Christina Walter, Megan Poole
Rhetoric and performing anger : Proserpina's gift and Chaucer's Merchant's tale., Joseph Turner
Submissions from 2015
Rewriting composition : moving beyond a discourse of need., Bruce Horner
Translinguality, transmodality, and difference : exploring dispositions and change in language and learning., Bruce Horner, Cynthia Selfe, and Tim Lockridge
Submissions from 2014
Teaching Grammar-in-Context in College Writing Instruction: An Update on the Research Literature, Zak Lancaster and Andrea R. Olinger
On the Instability of Disciplinary Style: Common and Conflicting Metaphors and Practices in Text, Talk, and Gesture, Andrea R. Olinger
Submissions from 2013
Ideologies of literacy, "academic literacies," and composition studies., Bruce Horner
Translingual literacy, language difference, and matters of agency., Min-Zhan Lu and Bruce Horner
A bridge over troubled waters : jazz, diaspora discourse, and E. B. Dongala's "Jazz and palm wine" as response to Amiri Baraka's "Answers in progress"., Ann Elizabeth Willey
Submissions from 2012
Review of "Jews in the Early Modern Imagination: A Scattered Nation", S. Matthew Biberman
Prisoners Teaching ESL: A Learning Community among “Language Partners”, Andrea R. Olinger, Hugh Bishop, Jose R. Cabrales, Rebecca Ginsburg, Joseph L. Mapp, Orlando Mayorga, Erick Nava, Elfego Nunez, Otilio Rosas, Andre D. Slater, LuAnn Sorenson, Jim Sosnowski, and Agustin Torres
Sir Gawain and the green knight and the history of medieval rhetoric., Joseph Turner
Submissions from 2011
Relocating basic writing., Bruce Horner
Language difference in writing : toward a translingual approach., Bruce Horner, Min-Zhan Lu, Jacqueline Jones Royster, and John Trimbur
Toward a multilingual composition scholarship : from English only to a translingual norm., Bruce Horner, Samantha NeCamp, and Christiane Donahue
Dancing with Don: Or Waltzing with "Expressivism", Bronwyn Williams
Submissions from 2010
Book Review: David Rosen, "Power, Plain English, and the Rise of Modern Poetry", Alan Golding
From Pound to Olson: The Avant-Garde Poet as Pedagogue, Alan Golding
Louis Zukofsky and the Avant-Garde Textbook, Alan Golding
Working rhetoric and composition., Bruce Horner and Min-Zhan Lu
Seeking New Worlds: The Study of Writing beyond Our Classrooms, Bronwyn T. Williams
Submissions from 2009
Composing in a global-local context : careers, mobility, skills., Min-Zhan Lu and Bruce Horner
Review : The Yambo Ouologuem reader : the duty of violence, a Black ghostwriter's letter to France, and the thousand and one bibles of sex by Christopher Wise., Ann Elizabeth Willey
Submissions from 2008
Review of "Writing the Economy: Activity, Genre, and Technology in the World of Banking", Andrea R. Olinger
Submissions from 2007
James Slevin and the identifying practices of composition., Bruce Horner
Submissions from 2006
Introduction : cross-language relations in composition., Bruce Horner
Living English work., Min-Zhan Lu
An Environmental Scan of Adult Numeracy Professional Development Initiatives, Renee Sherman, Kathy Safford-Ramus, Anestine Hector-Mason, Larry Condelli, Andrea R. Olinger, and Nrupa Jani
Review : Female identity in contemporary Zimbabwean fiction by Katrin Berndt., Ann Elizabeth Willey
Submissions from 2004
An essay on the work of composition : composing English against the order of fast capitalism., Min-Zhan Lu
Submissions from 2003
Ritual and roles for women in Werewere Liking's L'Amour-cent-vies., Ann Elizabeth Willey
Never Let the Truth Stand in the Way of a Good Story: A Work for Three Voices, Bronwyn T. Williams
Submissions from 2002
English only and U.S. college composition., Bruce Horner and John Trimbur
Submissions from 2001
The politics of the personal : storying our lives against the grain., Deborah Brandt, Ellen Cushman, Anne Ruggles Gere, Anne Herrington, Richard E. Miller, Victor Villanueva, Min-Zhan Lu, and Gesa Kirsch
“Students’ right,” English only, and re-imagining the politics of language., Bruce Horner
Reflections on a Shimmering Screen: Television’s Relationship to Writing Pedagogies, Bronwyn Williams
Submissions from 2000
Traditions and professionalization : reconceiving work in composition., Bruce Horner
Expectations, interpretations and contributions of basic writing., Min-Zhan Lu and Bruce Horner
Submissions from 1999
Redefining the literate self : the politics of cultural affirmation., Min-Zhan Lu
Review : life writing as social acts., Min-Zhan Lu and Elizabeth Robertson
Submissions from 1998
The problematic of experience : redefining critical work in ethnography and pedagogy., Min-Zhan Lu and Bruce Horner
Submissions from 1997
Students, authorship, and the work of composition., Bruce Horner
Madness and the Middle Passage : Warner-Vierya's Juletane as a paradigm for writing Caribbean women's identities., Ann Elizabeth Willey
Submissions from 1996
Discoursing basic writing., Bruce Horner
Submissions from 1994
Mapping errors and expectations for basic writing : from the "frontier field" to "border country"., Bruce Horner
Professing multiculturalism : the politics of style in the contact zone., Min-Zhan Lu
Submissions from 1993
Symposium on basic writing, conflict and struggle, and the legacy of Mina Shaughnessy., Patricia Laurence, Peter Rondinone, Barbara Gleason, Thomas J. Farrell, Paul Hunter, and Min-Zhan Lu
Submissions from 1992
A pedagogy of struggle : the use of cultural dissonance., Min-Zhan Lu
Conflict and struggle : the enemies of preconditions of basic writing?, Min-Zhan Lu
Submissions from 1991
Redefining the legacy of Mina Shaughnessy : a critique of the politics of linguistic innocence., Min-Zhan Lu
Submissions from 1987
From silence to words : writing as struggle., Min-Zhan Lu