Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series

Cardinal Compositions

Cardinal Compositions is an online, open-access journal that annually features outstanding written and multimodal work from UofL undergraduate students in Composition Program courses. We invite you to use this volume as a classroom resource by assigning these essays as readings and by consulting the assignment sheets as inspiration for your own prompts.

The Cardinal Edge

Welcome to The Cardinal Edge!

The Cardinal Edge is UofL's only faculty-reviewed and peer-reviewed multidisciplinary undergraduate research journal aimed to showcase and celebrate the novel student research conducted at UofL. TCE aims to prepare undergraduate students for future publishing endeavors by allowing students to participate as both authors and editors.

We are committed to publishing faculty or peer-reviewed original research articles, reviews, and commentaries. More detailed descriptions of the journal content can be found on the Aims and Scope page.

Commonwealth Policy Papers

The Commonwealth Policy Papers are a publication outlet for commentary & state-level public policy solutions. These papers, including short briefs & commentary, draft bills, and white papers, are developed by the statewide Commonwealth Policy Institute (CPI) think tank. These publications are housed under CPI, published and globally indexed from the University of Louisville's Institutional Repository in partnership with the Dept. Political Science.

CPI's mission is to enact the future of the commonwealth, for the commonwealth -- by serving policymakers through the creation of new tailored solutions to overcome challenges and seize new opportunity across Kentucky. Through it's principal members on the advisory board we are also open to serving businesses across the state, along with our university chapter network. Our publications here forming the Commonwealth Policy Papers were all developed through the work of our chapters and board as a public service, and are freely offered to the public.

Publications in CPP include short briefs, direct bill drafts for introduction, as well as white and green papers. CPP details the work of the think-tank which revolves around state government, also looking for new solutions at local and metro level and from an annual Congressional summit. Although this publication primarily deals with issues faced in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, certain policies may be universal and relevant to other states and commonwealths across the United States. For this reason, the CPI Think-Tank may advertise the Commonwealth Policy Papers to committees of other state governments and also to federal policy offices, in addition to the general public. See our readership this quarter:

Publications .

Grawemeyer Colloquium Papers

Welcome to the submission site for the Grawemeyer Colloquium Papers!

What are the Grawemeyer Colloquium Papers?

Grawemeyer Colloquium Papers was created in the midst of the 2020 pandemic in an effort to recognize the power of ideas among the students at UofL. It will continue to honor the legacy of H. Charles Grawemeyer, and allow public access to the colloquium papers generated from the original work of undergraduate and graduate researchers.

The published colloquium papers detail the original works of mentored research of members of the Grawemeyer Scholars Association, any other scholars at the University of Louisville, or graduate and undergraduate researchers.

As of 2024,Grawemeyer Colloquium Papers is no longer accepting new submissions.

Journal of Refugee & Global Health

Welcome to Journal of Refugee & Global Health.

Note: This journal is no longer accepting submissions and is no longer reviewing any previously submitted manuscripts.

The Journal of Refugee & Global Health is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal fully-subsidized by the University of Louisville, with no fees to access, submit, or publish content. This gives us a unique opportunity to offer an open-access journal that does not require (1) a fee for submitting or reading content, or (2) payment for authors to publish. We firmly believe that those practicing, researching, and studying refugee and global health should not be required to pay to publish or disseminate articles that inform the community about their work.

The journal was founded as a home for high-quality content, including original research, case studies, program reviews, and editorials from experts in a wide range of disciplines - all designed to help inform practitioners, researchers, and students regarding happenings in practice across the globe.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Journal of Student Financial Aid

The Journal of Student Financial Aid (JSFA) is a scholarly, peer-reviewed outlet featuring works of significance in all areas pertaining to the finance of higher education, especially student financial aid. Our mission is to bring scholarly work to bear on the practice and theory of providing financial assistance to students pursuing postsecondary education. We invite the submission of manuscripts that report original research findings; editorial opinions on policy issues; book reviews; and research in progress on promising practices or policies. We encourage submissions from diverse methodological and conceptual perspectives with implications for the practice of financial aid administration. Although the focus of the Journal has historically been on financial aid in the United States, we welcome the submission of comparative and international work.

History of the Journal

Thanks to the strong leadership of Dr. Robert Huff in the early years of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) in the late 1960s, the publication of the NASFAA Journal of Student Financial Aid was approved. His convincing rationale was one based on what most, well-respected organizations would agree to be essential to any group hoping to be seen as "professional" (i.e., the need for good, timely research as the basis for forming and refining effective policies). The first issue of the Journal was published in 1971.

In 2018, NASFAA decided that the mission of the Journal had become distinct from its own mission and goals and looked to move the Journal to a more academic setting. The Center for Economic Education at the University of Louisville became the official home of the Journal in 2019.

Journal of Wellness

Welcome to the Journal of Wellness, an open access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the scholarly pursuit of wellness for first responders and healthcare professionals and personnel. JWellness publishes peer-reviewed research to enhance resilience, physical strength, nutritional completeness, disease prevention, and mental health. Accepted journal articles are assigned DOIs, deposited in Global LOCKSS for permanent archiving, and compiled into yearly volumes. Articles are accepted following a double-blind peer review by at least two external reviewers and approval by the editors-in-chief. The Journal of Wellness is published through the University of Louisville's Institutional Repository powered by bepress. JWellness is indexed in Google Scholar and the Directory of Open Access Journals. JWellness is currently undergoing review for inclusion into MEDLINE within the National Library of Medicine and PubMed; thereafter we will seek to have all full text PDF articles freely available via archival at PubMed Central.

There are no article processing or publication charges of any kind. Also, all articles published with the Journal of Wellness are freely available.

Sustain Magazine

Sustain Magazine is an environmental health focused publication from the Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute that features discussion and research about sustainability issues and solutions. It is a resource for faculty, staff, students, and research partners designed to contribute to greater understanding and appreciation of environmental health research across the University community, public and private decision-makers in Louisville and across the United States.

Sign Up to Receive Sustain Magazine

Over 1,000 copies are distributed throughout Louisville and around the United States electronically and via direct mail. If you would like to receive a copy of Sustain Magazine at each publication, please email to join our mailing list.

Contribute to Sustain Magazine

If you'd like to contribute an article to Sustain Magazine or suggest a theme for a future issue, please email Sustain's editor at

Undergraduate Research Events (Undergraduate Research)

The University of Louisville provides a range of undergraduate research opportunities across disciplines. From the sciences and humanities to business and education, students can gain practical experience in their fields of interest and conduct their own research projects.

For additional information on upcoming undergraduate research opportunities, follow this link: Center for Engaged Learning, Undergraduate Research.

The University of Louisville Journal of Respiratory Infections

The University of Louisville Journal of Respiratory Infections (JRI) is a peer-reviewed, open access medical journal focusing on the wide range of medical disciplines related to infections of the respiratory tract.

The journal is owned by the University of Louisville (UofL) and operated by the UofL Division of Infectious Diseases and the UofL Libraries. UofL provides complete editorial freedom to the Editorial Board of the JRI and provides no specific funding for the JRI.

This journal does not charge article processing/publishing charges (APCs) or submission charges. We strongly believe that investigators submitting significant research should not be required to pay for article processing fees.

The JRI uses bepress for online manuscript submission and publishes online articles continuously throughout the year. Accepted journal articles are assigned DOIs, deposited in Global LOCKSS for permanent archiving, and compiled into yearly volumes.

Original research, case reports, review articles, methodologies, and study protocols are accepted following a single-blind peer review by at least two external reviewers and approval by the Editors-in-Chief. Other article types are reviewed by the Editors-in-Chief alone. External reviewers include members of the editorial board, section editors, and invited reviewers.

Please see the Aims and Scope for a complete description of the journal and Guidelines for Authors for a list of the types of articles that may be submitted.

Editorial Office:
University of Louisville Journal of Respiratory Infections
501 E Broadway Suite 100
Louisville, KY 40202
